
Showing posts from March, 2023

Republican platform 1 Voting

 Republican platform 1 Voting ubi add Parcip democracy cult ural views and tragedies (tragedies like the brutal persecution and oppression of Queer people in Europe in the 1930s and 1940s). So we must defeat Imperialism and Colonialism once and for all to liberate the LGBTQ

Exh fututur rep

The Palestinian Christians (like in Bethlehem) were uprooted when Jews moved in and reclaimed Palestine from them in 1948 to make it Israel . Maybe as this change you Republicans push for goes along further you can then push even further by nudging Israel to pay reparations for that by giving Israel to Palestinian Christians and then for Israel to become a Palestinian Christian state/country (to make up for that steal).  Then you Republicans should get the Jewish Himyarite Kingdom ,  Jewish princedom vassal state in Narbonne (Septimania),   Sitka, Alaska area , Northern and Western parts of the Eritrea and Ethiopia, Council of the Four Lands (Poland)  to be reformed as Jewish states to provide continued homelands for Jews to offset this bold move Ban people from having sex while wearing sneakers, boots, uggs ,make it a crime for them to wea



Democrat platform 1 Jewish-Muslim and Israel-Palestine issues

Democrat platform 1 Jewish-Muslim and Israel-Palestine issues Have this outlook on the Israel-Palestine conflict: Make the closest approximation to your views on the Israel-Palestinian and Israel itself to be similar to the and Israel-Palestinian conflict views of Haaretz , Rabbi Yehuda HaKohen (his post Zionism fused with Liberal Zionism) and Jamaal Bowman Consider pushing for the Canaanism movement to be brought back and have them work with Israel/Palestine on a Allon plan solution (but with the Canaanism movement people replacing Jordan in this plan) "Do not advocate for a particular solution to the I-P conflict and do not call for either a “one state solution” or a “two state solution”. Instead, focus on the realization of basic rights and the implementation of international law. Call for respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194.  (though this idea in this screenshot

Exh more idsddemoc

On whether idpol is truly good or bad for the working class: Possibly, depending on how the Left or Liberal 2.0ers responds. The  ore accuate answer, which is beyond the scope of this answer, is that there is not a lot of ground for optimism.  This is because, the link between the working class and the Left and or proto Liberal 2.0ers was destroyed under neoliberalism, and it was in fact the post-Marxist left which invented this idpol in the first place. Idpol can be seen as alright because it makes the elite look like absolutely weak and messed up clowns in the eyes of the common man/common woman.  By some margin, the working class is either hostile or grudgingly indifferent towards idpol and everything that's associated with it.  Idpol is the ideology of wealthy white America (or to Liberal 2.0ers at least the "right type of white people"). Furthermore, it doesn't just make them look foolish - it actually leads to the moral degeneration of the ruling class because t

Republican platform 1 Jewish-Muslim issues and Israel-Palestine

Republican platform 1 Jewish-Muslim issues and Israel-Palestine Force Israel to not pass this law here  and if they do pass it then force Israel to repeal that law. Make it so that Christians are protected in Israel so they can continue spreading the gospel in Israel. (freedom of religion) If Israel passes that law above and refuses to repeal it then draft a bill to demand all foreign aid and nuclear weapons given to Israel be returned under penalty of embargo Force the US  to help Israel through funding to Israel to become self sufficient and able to defend and aide themselves without needing the US aide to do so (like how the US was supposed to train anti Saddam Iraqis in the Iraq War to carry on the war for the US after the US left Iraq) You Republicans should keep this in mind on the Israel-Palestine conflict:  " On the one hand there are the Palestinian Arabs, who have tilled the soil or otherwise used the land of Palestine for centuries; and on the other, there are a group o

Exh bredtube

One such tankie , Caleb Mauphin inadvertently and ironically in his  'How BreadTube Serves Imperialism: Examining the New Brand of Internet Pseudo-Socialism" book shows how Breadtube is a perfect and safe first step/baby step leftward for the Democrat party to make in their march leftward toward real Socialism (like Democratic Socialists of America ideology)/Communism, Anarchism and other left wing socioeconomic ideologies   Caleb Mauphin and other leftists like Grayzone even claim that Breadtube is funded by the US and UK government . He says that Breadtube is mobilizing young liberals (liberal 2.0ers) to keep dissident elements in line. It’s securing the rule of British and American corporations over the planet by trying to silence those who get in its way "All the key signs of infiltration are there,” says Caleb Maupin speaking about BreadTube. “Since when does US mainstream media highlight the work of Marxist revolutionaries? Why are people who seem so unfamiliar with

Republican party platform 1 Russia

Republican party platform 1 Russia  Have Russia agree to these ideas   here to end the Russia-Ukraine war Nudge Ukraine toward EU and away from Russia to make Ukraine less corrupt (Russia is more corrupt than the EU so Russia would only make Ukraine more corrupt) Become informal advisers to Vlodomor Zelesky  Only have good faith objections to the US giving aide to Ukraine  Republicans should try to de escalate the Russia-Ukraine crisis instead of inflaming it You Republicans who are against these red green brown Rage Against the War type tankies and their 'anti war' (pro Russia) activism should become an example to all other people in the west by ignoring or throwing shade on these so called 'anti war' and 'peaceful' pro Russian activists. I am glad that the MSM mainly ignored those Rage Against the War protests for the most part.  If this method is followed across the length and breadth of the west  this "great unwashed", who only seek to attract att

Democrat party platform 1 Russia

Democrat party platform 1 Russia The US should inspire Russia not to be 'imperialist' by the US leading by example Embrace a lot of the Five Star Movement 's views on Russia Try to organize  Dissenters Marches  and Strategy 31 protests in Russia Conflict/war Realize that 2 in 3 Americans, or 66 percent of Americans are concerned about sanctions by the US against Russia are contributing to higher food and energy costs at home.  (Gas prices have averaged more than $4 a gallon since the start of March 2022). Realize that 81 percent of Americans fear that the Russia-Ukraine war will expand into other European countries and that 80 percent of Americans are concerned about U.S. forces getting involved in the fighting in Ukraine. Also realize that 80 percent of Americans are concerned about Russia using nuclear weapons. Realize that most Americans feel that Ukraine (like Russia) is corrupt .So take all of that into account when devising strategies around this Russia-Ukraine confli

Democrat party platform 1 Science

 Democrat party platform 1 Science Clean air bills and clear skies bills are crypto anti-environmental bills due to them slapping a clean label on our huge carbon footprint and its enabling industries. This is because we don’t have enough green (environmentalists) in impactful political positions and this needs to change. So have the Democrat party get more greens (i.e environmentalists) in impactful political positions and go deeper and beyond slapping clean labels on our huge carbon footprint and enabling industries . Remove our carbon footprint and abolish those enabling industries  Fight against pollution even more than you do now since pollution violates the  NAP Embrace integral ecology  and use that as a guide with eco policies for the Democrat party Embrace Extinction Rebellion and implement policies based off of it (or maybe make them a coalition group within the Democrat party) Embrace XR's use of casually getting arrested to pressure law makers to focus harder on fighti

Republican party platform 1 Science

Republican party platform 1 Science Support and implement policies preserving (conserving) the natural habitat and the national identity of our nations (basic National identity) in order to complement each other in a common sense way. This is to conserve elements of the past ecologically and culturally (as noted and outlined in each section of my blogs)   Basically on the environment/eco system, I want the Republican party to be ‘conservative’ but only on the environment/eco system in that I want them to preserve/conserve the environment/eco system (through green policies, degrowth, allowing nature to reclaim urban land etc) like how conservatives want to preserve/conserve traditional cultural values The Industrial revolution, gas vehicles, non green electricity and similar anti green elements all supplanted our traditions just as much as cultural things did and thus both should be dealt with similarly (as noted and outlined in each section of my blog) Based off of that, ideally match

Exh mrkutts

 Abenomics  fused with  Dirigisme  using  Neo Keynesian economics  as a macroeconomics model (with a touch of  New Keynesian economics -Monetarism/Weaponized-Military Keynesianism to be used on things like public works like during deficit spending spending especially when the economy needs a boost due to things like inflation, deflation, depressions, recessions)

Exh yanfdidfodf

  Forward economics / Andrew Yangism  (like here  and here )

Exh ctmhzl

 This society would include economic policies like a program modeled on the economic-recovery program of the FDR administration, which would include fixed exchange rates, exchange, currency and capital controls and protectionist price along with trade agreements among partner-nations . This would also include restructuring of debt planet-wide, and a global plan for big-scale, continental infrastructure projects.. This would reject free trade, deregulation, and globalization

Exh pureuo

An economic zone that is an exaggerated version of a  Mladorossim society  which itself is a fusion of  mythological version of USSR type Socialism/Communism  with  tweaked Russian Tsarism )

Exh cisidfoidfiod

It would advocate for a Russian Monarchy under a Mythological Soviet-style system.  It would be similar to Anarcho-Monarchism  There would also be economic liberalization via party democracy similar to what Nikita Kruschev did or tried to do . This would be based off of the already present State Capitalist system (and capitalist class). This would further balance out the extreme left economic system in this society It can be best described either as a mix of USSR like planned economy (ie like the one under Marxism-Leninism/Josef Stalin with elements of  Ego Communism ) and the type of retroactive hypothetical Capitalism that would have existed in the US in the early to early mid 20th century IF that early to early mid 20th century retroactive hypothetical US Capitalism was a fusion of this type of economic system and Andrew Yang Forward Thought - Humanistic Capitalism /the democracy that the United States has managed since FDR (and that was noticeably growing stronger in the early 200

Exotr iotiotroirto

Auto nomous Radical Democracy (Dotp)/ Anarcho Syndica lism  (vanguard) fused with a Podemos (Spain) type of vanguard party (vanguard) Use an autonomist Radical Democracy as an alternative Dotp with a focus on the community. The community would be the pure constituted power and would resemble a plural multitude (of people) instead of the working class in traditional Marxism. This plural multitude would be the pure constituted power and would reclaim this power by searching and creating mutual understandings within the community during this phase.  This strand of radical democracy would challenge the traditional thinking about equality and freedom in liberal democracies by making individual equality to be found in the singularities within the multitude, where equality overall would be created by an all inclusive multitude and freedom which would be created by restoring the multitude in its pure constituted power. Under this autonomous Radical Democracy alternate DotP there would be

Democrat platform 1 Voting

Democrat platform 1 Voting  Voting Rights "Since the United States Supreme Court’s disastrous Shelby County v. Holder decision in 2013, states across the country have been actively working to reverse the hard-fought protections for voting rights secured during the civil rights movement. Fair and equal access to the ballot is essential to our ability to uphold and protect our nation’s democracy. Every American citizen is entitled to vote, and we will work to secure voting rights and end racist gerrymandering." Justice Democrats Implement direct democracy so women, immigrants, BIPOC people (including Indigenous communities), LGTBQ+ people, and other diverse groups are not only recognized, but become championed as key protagonists in the growing calls for social, economic, and political reform. 

Democrat platform 1 Misc

 Democrat platform 1 Misc "Defend Net Neutrality Net neutrality and widespread access to the Internet are essential to guarantee economic security for all Americans. We believe in upholding net neutrality as a condition of Internet Freedom, and will work toward a legislative solution to uphold the open internet. We must ensure that all people have the opportunity to access the internet freely, openly, and affordably". Justice Democrats

Democrat party platform 1 Migration

 "We must protect the 11 million undocumented immigrants in our country from deportation and provide them a pathway to citizenship. In 2003, ICE was created as a reaction to 9/11 (which like the forever wars in the Middle East, Patriot Act and TSA is another harsh holdover from that authoritarian, Islamaphobic, reactionary post 9/11 world by Republicans). Since then, it has turned into an organization that regularly violates basic human rights. We don’t need a special enforcement agency charged with targeting undocumented immigrants and should abolish ICE."   Justice Democrats Ice should be replaced with a  Resurrected INS The Democrats should get the US to look into moving our country in a direction to one day be able to implement the same lax border security on its border with Mexico that it had on its border with Canada pre 9/11 and also look into moving our country in a direction to one day be able to not require a passport requirement for Mexicans to enter the US (as it

Democrat party platform 1 Military and Internationalism

Democrat party platform 1 Military and Internationalism  Get the US government to drop all charges against Julian Assange and Edward Snowden (or at worst pardon them). Get the US government to apologize to both of them for wrongly going after them . See here for more "We must end the forever wars and prioritize peace and diplomacy. We must reduce our military spending. We must work together with the international community to promote fair trade deals that lift up all workers and end the climate crisis. We must ensure that our aid to other countries is aligned with our values.  America gave Saudi Arabia billions in weapons and watched the civilian death toll of their vicious bombing campaign in Yemen climb. The United States continued sending Egypt arms as they violently cracked down on peaceful protesters. Israel received $38 billion in aid and promptly announced new settlements.  We must use our financial leverage with other countries to encourage alignment with our shared values

Democrat party platform 1 Guns

Democrat party platform 1 Guns Gun violence is a public health crisis in the United States that disproportionately impacts communities of color. The vast majority of Americans support expanded background checks, 54 percent want a ban on assault weapons and 54 percent want a ban on high capacity magazines. We agree with the majority of the American people and support these measures. To enact common sense gun safety measures, we must break the NRA’s hold on our corrupt government and prioritize the mental and physical health of the people over the billion-dollar gun manufacturing industry’s bottom line.  Justice Democrats Listen to all good-faith (big tent) opinions on universal background checks and expanded red flag laws at minimum  I believe we should lower the amount of guns (all types) in the US to a level where we know will significantly reduce gun violence (even if it doesn’t). The US has more guns than any other country on Earth.  Less guns less government control since a lot of

Democrat party platform 1 Youth and disabled

 Democrat party platform 1 Youth and disabled Have the Democrat party look into studying Gen Z better to get a better grasp of how to keep attracting them to the party to be the future of the party.  Here is a good start  to learn about Gen Z I feel that the Democrat party should organize pickets at the board of education buildings across the US to fight for better quality of education for students in schools that perform poorly  I want the Democrat party to get the US college system to create re-education interment camps and then for the Democrat party to get colleges across the US to involuntarily throw Conservative students into said re-education interment camps in order to re-educate Conservative students to become left wing "Disability Justice Almost one in four people in the nation have a disability, yet ableism in our national infrastructure and legal system treats disabled people like second class citizens. That’s why we must expand and reform Social Security Disability In

Democrat party platform 1 LGBTQ

 Democrat party platform 1 LGBTQ Have the Democrat party embrace  this type of LGBTQ thinking , Michael Focault's Queer Virtualities , Democrat Socialist of America LGBTQ+ views  and Lumos's type of thinking to further help and assist the LGBTQ community Have the Democrat party embrace  Queer   Nationalism  and integrate the Queer Nationalist Party  into the Democrat party as a caucus (and also embrace the Sparatan homosexuality of Futurism) Embrace an authentic sex negative feminism Until we abolish or bury marriage, make the word marriage in the term same sex marriage be changed to a different word that shows that same sex marriage is more real/legal and moral than straight marriage and have new things added to same sex marriage ceremonies to show that same sex weddings are more legit and moral than straight weddings. Then add more rights for married same sex couples that they and straight couples currently don't have now (to show that same sex marriage is the ideal fo