Democrat party platform 1 Military and Internationalism

Democrat party platform 1 Military and Internationalism 

Get the US government to drop all charges against Julian Assange and Edward Snowden (or at worst pardon them). Get the US government to apologize to both of them for wrongly going after them . See here for more

"We must end the forever wars and prioritize peace and diplomacy. We must reduce our military spending. We must work together with the international community to promote fair trade deals that lift up all workers and end the climate crisis. We must ensure that our aid to other countries is aligned with our values. 

America gave Saudi Arabia billions in weapons and watched the civilian death toll of their vicious bombing campaign in Yemen climb. The United States continued sending Egypt arms as they violently cracked down on peaceful protesters. Israel received $38 billion in aid and promptly announced new settlements. 

We must use our financial leverage with other countries to encourage alignment with our shared values. We must also care for our veterans and invest in the VA."  Justice Democrats

Embrace a 19th century US type of unilateralism 

If you are to be pro war be so like Peter Kropotkin was pro war

Support directed beam weapons for use against ICBMs

Become Anti Neocon and realize the Neocons are satanic 

Use Ireland as a model for freedom. Ireland is a small nation where guerrillas have fought for freedom for so long and many times defeated their oppressors to get that freedom despite the oppressor's superiority in manpower, materials resources etc. 

So copy Ireland's model with guerrillas within the US to defeat our oppressors to get more freedom despite our oppressor's superiority in manpower, materials resources etc. 

So maybe also have these guerrillas also be used as non state violent actors in other countries (like the Hezbollah in Lebanon and the LTTE in Sri Lanka) instead of using our military as we should have our military eventually be phased out

But these Democratic guerilla like factions should NOT use a the ham-fisted strategy of some urban guerrillas. These urban guerilla factions should not use patriarchal pretensions and only be installed after we abolish patriarchy 


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