Democrat party platform 1 LGBTQ

 Democrat party platform 1 LGBTQ

Have the Democrat party embrace this type of LGBTQ thinking, Michael Focault's Queer Virtualities, Democrat Socialist of America LGBTQ+ views and Lumos's type of thinking to further help and assist the LGBTQ community

Have the Democrat party embrace Queer Nationalism and integrate the Queer Nationalist Party into the Democrat party as a caucus (and also embrace the Sparatan homosexuality of Futurism)

Embrace an authentic sex negative feminism

Until we abolish or bury marriage, make the word marriage in the term same sex marriage be changed to a different word that shows that same sex marriage is more real/legal and moral than straight marriage and have new things added to same sex marriage ceremonies to show that same sex weddings are more legit and moral than straight weddings.

Then add more rights for married same sex couples that they and straight couples currently don't have now (to show that same sex marriage is the ideal form of marriage and to show that same sex marriage is on a higher hierarchy of marriage than straight marriage without taking anything away from straight marriage ceremonies or rights).     

Do that along with reimagining marriage to build a new marriage system for straight couples and same sex couples built upon straight and queer foundations which will be designed around the desires and needs of straight/hetereosexual couples and same sex couples to also meet the unique desires and needs of same sex couples. This type of new marriage system should attempt to alter and fix heterosexual marriage the way that Suzana Walters and left wing LGBTQ people would want

This new type of marriage should not be an exploitation at the benefit of others, and should be non ritualistic

Implement the above changes to marriage alongside implementing marriage and economic ideas from this post 

Use same sex marriage as only a first step in recognizing the diversity of human relationships (per DSUSA)

Oppose Homonationalism (like mentioned here)

Help the LGBTQ community attract more libertarians to it cause. It is worrisome that the only people who are standing up for freedom of speech in the community are rightoids. It's only recently since the mid 2010s that we've seen more political or thought diversity from such communities. 

The SJWs have gotten away with planting their idelogies in the community and its only causing more division in our society. Other than seeing an amicable solution between gays and religious people upon equal marriage, it has instead become nothing but a petty mud slinging fest with trivial disputes over things like wedding cakes and pizza. Having celebrities such as Ellen Page enflame such tensions does not help at all. Such division and intolerance on both sides could cause religious people who were already homoskeptic to become full on homophobes   The Democrats should stop this by such inclusion 

Embrace a synthesis of these various ideas in this reddit post on drag queen shows for kids.

Trans-non binary

Embrace and implement my legality wise views of Transgender rights for Transgender people

Follow Breadtuber Abigail Thorn's advice to create Trans liberation

Have the Democrat party counter or find a triangulation solution to the ‘ If sex isn’t real, there is no same sex attraction after all’ point to further rights for marginalized and vulnerable groups by adopting this type of thinking:

"No one is attracted to a "sex" because that's ultimately referring to unobservable traits in the way I outline throughout my blog. Yet in many ways "sex" is just as socially constructed as gender. It's only categories with arbitrary criteria that are invented by humans to attempt and simplify and typecast people into specific social groups. 

It's interesting that there has been a trend in the gender studies field away from the separation of sex and gender and a return to using the terms interchangeably/together for that reason, and an overall stepping back from the idea of sex as something scientifically based and immutable. 

The prevailing line of thought currently looks to be that sex is a construct that in reality only is significant and exists to reinforce the social stratifications and power structures generated by the gender binary, which obviously itself is socially constructed

I would go even as far to say that biological males and biological females are on the LGBTQ spectrum due to gender and sex being one in the same like mentioned above. Like maybe LGBTQMF 

Have the Democrat party prefer neopronouns to gender neutral pronouns, especially for non binary people but also for Transgender people so that trans/non binaries can use neopronuns like 'he'er' instead of 'they/them' or society can use neopronouns like 'mo'fa th Æ r' instead of 'pregnant person/bleeder/birther' 

Implement pro Transgender policies that I would want implemented if I was born in the 2020s, 2030s, 2040s, 2050s and I was a Democrat/Liberal 2.0 or like in this life a Leftist

"Implement a Medicare For All system which will also expand LGBTQ+ mental health services and protect trans health access." Justice Party

Make it so that people who had or have Gender dysphoria are protected from discrimination by way of anti discrimination laws that legally protects disabled people from discrimination (DS 5 and ICD 11 and maybe GID) on the basis of Gender dysphoria being a medial issue

Such anti abelist discrimination laws should also legally protect Transgender people from discrimination due to Gender dysphoria being considered a  mental disorder (but so long as a manifest diagnosis exists)

I do concede past misuse of the GID diagnosis while I argue for greater professional accountability.  Removing the GID category even if it helped destigmatize Transgender people, it would disrupt the current, albeit limited, insurance regime at the expense of non GID diagnosed people with mental disorders

I propose that maybe the Democrats should retain the GID category and focus our efforts on legitimating mental illness and improving the acceptance of trans people, leaving aside the diagnosis question 

Have the Democrat party embrace Postcolonial feminism. This is good because it prevents feminism from being used as an imperialist weapon  (though if we make all women free first we would then be better equipped to oppose imperialism) 

By using analysis of entrenched power structures in formerly colonized nations, postcolonial feminism shows how economic and political institutions along with social practices within those nations often can oppress and marginalize women. Furthermore, postcolonial feminism demonstrates the ways that women around the planet struggle for equality and independence for themselves, their families, and their nations.

Postcolonial feminism is sometimes known as Third World feminism and it is centered around the idea that racism, colonialism, and the long term effects (economic, political, and cultural) of colonialism in the postcolonial setting, are inextricably linked with the distinct gendered realities that non-white,and non-Western women face. Postcolonial feminists criticize Western feminists since they have a history of universalizing women's issues, and their discourses are typically not made clear to represent women globally.

So one of core ideas in postcolonial feminism is that by saying/writing the term 'woman' as a universal group, people are then only defined by their gender instead of being defined by social classes and ethnic identities. Moreover, it is believed within postcolonial feminism that mainstream Western feminists ignored the talk of non-white, non-western women for a lot of years, and this created resentment from feminists in developing nations.

The Democrat party embracing Postcolonial feminism is further good because Postcolonial feminism has solid connections with black feminism since colonialism commonly contains themes of racism. Both of said groups have struggled for recognition, not only by men in their own culture, but also by Western feminists.

This is why I support the Democrat party fusing Transfeminism into postcolonial feminism and embracing that fusion

As with Postcolonial feminism, Transfeminism commonly also criticizes the ideas of a universal sisterhood  and instead, view gender as this multifaceted set of various intrinsic and social qualities. Like, there are trans/cis men/women who express themselves in a odd feminine or masculine manner. Because this very much affects how people experiences their gender, and too their standing within patriarchy, transfeminists would say that masculine/feminine expression is an important notion that should be valued within the feminist inquiry, tend to be compared and contrasted with both birth sex and gender identity.

Transfeminism is a category of feminism, more often than not known for its application of transgender discourses to feminist discourses, and of the feminist beliefs to the transgender discourse".

As cringeworthy and orwellian as this woke Liberal 2.0 article is, it does make a few decent points here and there which shows there might be a Militantly Moderate solution to this delicate issue that the Liberal 2.0 MSM can get behind to make everyone happy. Maybe this article's takes on this Margaret Atwood situation can provide some ideas to fuse with the USA Today's article's ideas on this Margaret Atwood situation to come up with this Militantly Moderate solution to this woman erasing issue.


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