Republican party platform 1 nation, political standing expanded and idpol

Republican party platform 1 nation, political standing expanded and idpol

Political standing expanded

Embrace Republicanism (left wing) and federalism (left wing)

Have the Republican party frequently oscillate between being left Nazbol vortex-paleolibertarian (including embracing Mises ideology within the LP but that is sanitized to become as Left wing as Contrapoints/Josh Gottheimer) and Post colonial Anarchism left wing populism.

Embrace egalitarianism (including Post left anarchism variant of enlightened egalitarianism and one worker one share system with techno enlightened despotism), along with illiberalism in a technical sense which would be used to be skeptical of the political project of enlightenment liberalism, like of autonomous individuals trying to self-actualize and maximize their own interests (built around addressing criticisms of wide-eyed optimism of J Rousseau and similar Enlightenment thinkers. This is because for a lot of people throughout most of history, the world had been distinctly inimical to optimism and a healthy dissensus

Put equality before freedom/liberty

Republicans create a pursuit of greater egalitarianism in our society in order to increase the distribution of skills, capacities and productive endowments 

Realize that the key inequalities between people to be artificial and negative, and overcome them by the type of state I write about in this blog

Republicans realize that “The entanglements of bondage and liberty shaped the liberal imagination of freedom, fueled the emergence and expansion of capitalism, and spawned proprietorial conceptions of the self. This vexed genealogy of freedom plagued the great” Saidiya Hartman

The longstanding and intimate affiliation of liberty and bondage made it impossible to envision freedom independent of constraint or personhood and autonomy that was/is separate from the sanctity of property and proprietorial notions of the self"   

So Republicans, please create true liberty/freedom that is not shaped or affiliated by the liberal imagination of freedom, that doesn't fuel or expand capitalism, that doesn't spawn proprietorial conceptions of self, that isn't a vexed genealogy ,that doesn't plague the great.

This type of true liberty/freedom you should create should be independent of constraint and personhood and be an autonomy that is separate from the sanctity of property and the proprietorial notions of the self

Embrace Left Wing meritocracy

Use Defensive Democracy as a last resort if non bourgeois, non oligarchy democracy is eroding 

Embrace and implement agonistic radical democracy ideas along with left wing democracy (including rejecting the idea that the progressing of history leads to abolishing absolutism to reign in democracy and embracing fringe ideas from Liberal democracy)

Create policies around the fact that the ways of life that were adaptive at the peak of the current global political economy will become very very maladaptive in the subsequent decades and centuries.

Become left wing but not liberal, since the fundamental premise of liberalism is not an inexorable march toward progress. 

Be neutral in the Culture Wars in ways that align with my political views like in my blogs (and embrace Ryan Grim's view in this post and this video titled "Ryan Grim: The Culture War Is Not A Proxy For Race, It’s A Proxy For Class")

Become very wary of the idea that we can realize our desire for self determination by making piece-meal demands which, at best, only offer a temporary amelioration of the harmfulness of the social order of capital. 

Recognize the necessity to attack this society in its totality in order to achieve a practical and theoretical awareness in each partial struggle of the totality which must be abolished. 

Thus, furthermore, embrace the capacity to see what is potentially revolutionary, what has moved beyond the logic of demands and of piece meal changes in partial social struggles, since, basically , every radical, insurrectionary rupture was sparked by a struggle that started as an attempt to gain partial demands, but that in practice moved from demanding what was desired to seizing it etc

Use this quote by Hannah Ardent to steer your party away from the direction of violence "Generally speaking, violence always rises out of impotence. It is the hope of those who have no power to find a substitute for it and this hope, I think, is in vain. Violence can destroy power, but it can never replace it."

Stand against deprivation. Do not ignore deprivation as ignoring it is morally objectionable. Do NOT identify any particular solution for deprivation as morally required or permitted since to do so is a separate question. You can defend a wide range of responses to said deprivation consistent with justice/prudence (as long as those responses are effective)

Be against subordination and embrace the notion of using force against physical, economical and psychological threats (within reason). Get rid of subordination, and all our issues as a society will be fixed


All of the bigoted isms (sexism, racism, heterosexism, nativism, National Chauvinism etc) are clearly repugnant as history has taught us. You Republicans have to recognize the state’s role in creating, perpetuating and exploiting these unfair mechanisms while we need to eliminate these state props for prejudices which can make society more free and less unjust toward marginalized people.  See here for more

This would be done via you Republicans implementing non-aggressive solidaristic action (while respecting just possessory claims). We have to eliminate the state and the government because the state and the government are the ultimate form of hierarchies (they have dominion over us) and I want all hierarchies to be abolished 

Embrace this line of thought: "I recognize that, while various oppressed groups experience their dispossession in ways that are specific to their oppression and that the analysis of these specificities is necessary in order to gain a full understanding of how domination functions, nevertheless, dispossession is fundamentally the theft of the capacity of each of us as individuals to create our lives on our own terms in free association with others. "

Support solidarity (empathy properly gives people an excuse to fight for others rights) and liberation which will lead to a classless society without hierarchy, without male patriarchy/patriarchy , without Heterosexism, without white ethnocentricity ,without Cissexism etc. 

This would create a truly egalitarian world and is a natural progression. If we have to use Left Wing Nationalism to get there then we would use Left Wing Nationalism to do so

Basically a reboot where everyone is equal from the get go, but without using wokeness (or at worst not Wikipedia type of wokeness), overkill idpol (or ideally any idpol), intersectionality 

Embrace and implement horizontialism, abolish all hierarchies, classes, patriarchies, white ethnocentrism etc

End workplace discrimination 

Embrace Jose Munoz's Disidentification and his deconstruction of the positivism at the heart of identity politics

Find new ways to organize like having groups experimenting with ways of building autonomy that are also anti-essentialist and recognize the heterogeneity of supposedly static categories. One example is a negative affirmation of identity in order to prevent any positive affirmation of another . Yet do this within an Afro Pessimism framework 


Embrace a type of post liberal ideology that is more exciting than mainstream conservatism and would be reinvigorated by an embrace localist values, conscious SBNR values, and an active role for the post state adjacent in promoting everything from coupling to environmental conservation. 

Republicans, please move on from conservatism; you have to have at the core of your party the idea that conservatism is just as useless in addressing issues that lead to division and national problems as Liberalism 2.0 is now. You Republicans have to embrace the truth that conservatism is snared between the Scylla and Charybdis of corporate capitalism and the pie-in-the-sky promises of the contemporary religious right. So you Republicans must find a post liberal ideology instead of conservatism to use so you don't get snared like above

Embrace Manitoba Canada type of Multiculturalism 

Embrace and implement/mainstream FLINTA 

Only embrace this/this and this types of left wing 'Nationalisms'.  Embrace and implement Austromarxism and its related ideas like Karl Renner's notion of personal principal (like embracing national personal autonomy)

Like believing that the nation is defined as the totality of persons bound together through a common destiny into a community of character. Embrace the thought that, national identity is not necessarily obstructive toward class consciousness, existing as a useful praxis for the self determination of the worker. 

The issues with National identity (within a capitalist society) was not national identify itself but really the tendency of the lower classes to cling to traditions which tether them to the institutions of the old bureaucratic and capitalistic systems in addition to nationality being conceived of exclusive racial/ethnic and territorial means .

So come to see that the notions of territorial principle can be substituted in situations where minority populations risked being subjugated by majorities. 

We can use Karl Renner's notion of the "personal principle" as a way of gathering the geographically divided people of the same nation. The personal principle can be used to organize nations not in territorial bodies but in a simple association of persons. 

This would radically disjoin a nation from its territory thus creating a non territorial associated nation. It is important to doing way with sub national territorial identities as undemocratic and allowing for the treatment of non majority populations within each nation that Karl Renner wrote about here. 

Critique idpol insofar as because idpol preserves victimization-enabled identities and social roles (i.e. affirming rather than negating gender, class, etc.) and because idpol also inflicts guilt-induced paralysis, amongst others . So critique idpol for those reasons mostly


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