Republican party platform 1 Feminism

 Republican party platform 1 Feminism

Destroy the patriarchy/male patriarchy

Embrace my views on feminism here: (completely dependent on the material conditions that a left wing revolution will bring about) in particular like Podemos (Spain) and Communist parties (like mentioned here) make the Republican party and Feminism inseparable. 

The patriarchy is a direct result of a hierarchy, so embrace dissolving authoritarianism (and become anti Capitalism/anti Neoliberalism to do so) to also abolish the patriarchy too to create the absolute equality of the genders, races, and social status. Fix the care system by committing to a feminist economy.

Also commit to ending sexist/sexual violence,and this too. Fight against woman erasure and *mother erasure. Protect women's spaces and women's bodily autonomy

*One way to fight mother erasure is to maybe find a different word for social gender and biological sex. But a word which is going to satisfy both sides (cis and trans) 

Follow Podemos (Spain) ideas for feminism along w Anarcha Feminism in organizing. This includes feminist strikes, promoting the historical claim of all women of their full rights and at the same time, undertake the necessary construction of the society of the future. Feminism should be the main agenda in politics and within the Republican party due to the majorities our political party represent. We have to view our political future with purple glasses on

This is essential to incorporate men, since it also guarantees rights to them, with the belief that feminism and democracy, feminism and freedom, feminism and justice are always synonymous with each other. We need to end the disputes by the right of feminist democracy

Create some feminist space linking the 19th century alliance between libertariian feminism and radical liberalism so that it can be recovered like here and like here maybe AND OR embrace Equity Feminism as it brings together a diverse range of women, including feminists from Conservativism and Conservative feminism, Liberalism and Liberal feminism ,and Radical feminism (non TERF variant)

This type of Libertarian feminism (which also has elements of Third Wave Individual feminism within it)  should include a type of feminism which embraces individualism, personal autonomy, choice, consent , freedom from state sanctioned discrimination, equality under the law for all women. This type of Libertarian feminism should promote and encourage free choice for women while preventing women (and men for that matter) from following hive mind thinking . This type of Libertarian feminism should encourage and allow for women and feminists to be free to express themselves without obstruction or harming others. 

Use judicial reform to eliminate male patriarchy/patriarchy from the legal system and to create a special state-backed "Women's Committees", that would be run by dedicated Marxist Feminists. 

Their role would be to directly promote and defend women's' rights on the local and national level; propose and prepare gender equality related laws; 

Use postcolonial feminism instead of neocon cultural (conservative feminist) imperialism

Eventually implement postgenderism (or at minimum the type of Postgenderism that is not fully against the existence of gender roles)

Also embrace this

Be Anti Sexist/Anti Misogany/

Be Anti Transmisogny not Transphobic

Do not put women in prison unless they commit a violent crime

Also embrace Men's Liberation

Support and implement non-hierarchical family and educational structures and abolish of marriage along with abolishing the state, classes, patriarchy and hierarchies. In a stateless society, make it so that romantic partnerships would just be a personal commitment that would be honored and celebrated as the involved parties see fit. That is what marriage should be

Until we abolish the state , classes, patriarchy and hierarchies, I feel our party needs marriage reform to get us to that point .  I examined whether or not the state/governmental recognition of marriage (i.e marriage for straight couples and same sex couples) is a good idea or bad idea. It is a bad idea. 

So we should get the state/government out of the marriage business until that time since the state/government recognizing marriages (i.e marriage for straight couples and same sex couples) is a bad idea.

The state sanctioning marriages is like people are getting married to the state and that is wrong

The state/government wrongly being involved in the marriage industry since forever, lead to the state/government unfortunately doing what they always do: taxing it, regulating it, defining it etc. The government’s involvement in marriage is more proof the state/government does little right. 

I do believe that all Americans of all sexual orientations have a right of contract so keep that in mind when implementing the policies to get the government out of the marriage business

So I want the Republicans to embrace the notion of the state/government staying out of the marriage business because romantic relationships are the business of romantic partners and not business of the state/government or anyone else. 

One way to do keep the state/government out of the marriage business would be through abolishing all current forms of public marriages (Civil Marriage, Common Law Marriage and Religious Marriage) and then legalizing Privatized Marriage throughout the US for both straight couples and same sex couples thus making Privatized Marriage the only legal form of marriage in the US for straight couples and same sex couples. 

This way marriage would be a wholly private compact of no concern to anybody but the couples themselves. Couples would conduct their own marriage ceremony without involving either State or clergy. This would be a personalized, a la carte menu of contractual rights and responsibilities. 

Another way to something like this is to abolish the current marriage system and implement a sort of domestic partnership with free association (for both straight couples and same sex couples). 

Like maybe a legislature can offer a package (for both straight couples and same sex couples) of contractual terms, with no strings attached, and no costs imposed on anyone else, where the acceptance of the terms is completely voluntary

Maybe something like a standard civil union arrangement would still be available for straight couples and same sex couples, but two roommates would share property in common and serve as health care proxies for each other without taking on any additional rights or responsibilities if they did not wish to. 

This could even include polyamorous triads sharing legal rights and responsibility for any children that came of their relationship without our having to go through a protracted political fight over whether marriage should be allowed for more than two people .Basically something like this 
Make the family unit not the norm anymore, prop up collectivist families/decentralized free association

Make adopting children to be easier for people . Consider making child adoption become privatized. 

Privatized adoption would be good since it would allow parents who don’t want the responsibility to be guardians to their children to pay someone to absolve them of that responsibility easier than in they could in a current adoption systems. 

Then I would want private child’s rights groups to be formed to ensure these privatized adoptions benefit the children being adopted more than current public children’s services who currently run adoptions ensure these benefits for adopted children

Implement Degrowth to fight climate change (like here)

Use Degrowth to build on newly implemented Feminist economics (like above) . Make sure this Degrowth criticizes measures of economic growth (like the GDP) and have Degrowth avoid excluding work that is mainly done by women such as unpaid care work, work performed to fulfill people's needs, reproductive work, work sustaining life etc. 

Use a type of Degrowth that would draw on the critique of socialist feminists who claim that capitalist growth builds on the exploitation of women’s work.

Instead of devaluing womens work, use Degrowth to center the economy around care, proposing that care work should be organized as a commons.

So this would include centering care with changing society’s time regimes including a working time reduction in line with this equally along with the redistribution of care work to lead to gender justice

One model within Degrowth to use would be a 4-in-1-perspective which proposes 4 hours of wage work a day, freeing time for 4 hours of care work, 4 hours of political activities in a direct democracy all within Degrowth in addition to 4 hours of personal development through learning.

Use the type of Degrowth which draws on materialist ecofeminisms which claim a parallel of the exploitation of women and nature in growth-based societies and would propose a subsistence perspective conceptualized by Maria Mies and Ariel Salleh.

This would further include identifying synergies and opportunities for cross-fertilization between degrowth and feminism as advanced in the future, with these two discoures being connected through networks that would include the Feminisms and Degrowth Alliance (FaDA). -The liberation of women is the liberation of Mother Earth

Embrace the relevant concept within this Degrowth which is decolonialism .This refers to putting an end to the perpetuation of political, social, economic, religious, racial, gender, and epistemological relations of power, domination, and hierarchy of the global north over the global south.

The foundation of this relationship would lie in understanding that the imminent socio-ecological collapse was caused by capitalism, which due to economic growth is sustained

This economic growth can only be maintained under the eaves of colonialism and extractivism, which perpetuate asymmetric power relationships between territories. Colonialism in this system is understood as the appropriation of common goods, resources and labor, which do not align with degrowth principles.

Create some feminist spaces that integrate what could be called an "anarcha-feminist" or anti-patriarchy critique into the overarching anti-civilization perspective.  Also something like this type of post left Anarchis feminism to embrace somewhere

Using Autonomism, when becoming left wing on socioeconomic issues as I ask you to be, apply a broader definition of the working class to also include besides wage-earning workers (both white collar and blue collar), also the unwaged (students, unemployed people, homemakers, etc.), that are traditionally deprived of any form of union representation.

This includes embracing the idea that modern society's wealth is produced by unaccountable collective work, and only a little of that wealth is redistributed to the workers via wages. Also put an emphasis of the importance of feminism and the value of unpaid female labor to capitalist society.

Through Autonomism, have the Republicans see that Capitalism is a hardened irrational system and then assume the workers' viewpoint, to privilege their activity as the lever of revolutionary passage which alone can construct a libertarian-egalitarian anarchist society (left wing society)

Using Autonomism, see economics as being entirely political, make economic relations be the direct political relations of force between class subjects. Make the initiative for political change to reside within the social worker’s economic category and not in an alienated political form like the Republican party

After we abolish Capitalism, ban pornography forever. Until then at least try to use Ross Dohat and NY Times methods of pressuring and overregulating the porn industry. Embrace and expand/promote Fight the New Drug to combat pornography 

Only make the pimp and any prostitute who acts as a go between with criminal charges for prostitution. Decriminalize it for the buyer or have the buyer go to 'country club CEO prisons' for buying (left version of the Nordic Model method), No penalty for prostitute except voluntarily therapy


The solid majority of women who have abortions end up either having the same amount of kids or more amount of kids a year to years after their abortion than if they would have had if they didn’t have their abortion in the first place. 

If we find out that that the solid majority of women who have abortions don’t end up having the same amount of kids or more amount of kids a year to years after their abortion than if they would have had if they didn’t have their abortion in the first place, here is what we do

If we found that out to be true, still move leftward on abortion to the left wing ,  but after finding that out, call for policies that are aimed at increasing the birth rate (maybe even policies like the government giving tax breaks to families who have kids, and the more kids families they have, the more tax breaks they get)

This would lead to more children being born so they can build the productive forces, under the assumption that more working forces will naturally lead to the type of left wing economic future we are aiming for

Support one's right to follow their conscience and bodily autonomy in matters of sexuality and reproductive health . 

Also support Liberal abortion laws. Consider supporting an amended Women’s Health Protection act (see here to clear up misconceptions of it), see here for more on what that would entail if you go down that path

Women should have abortion made available to them. There certainly see many instances when abortion really is the best way

As long abortion doesn’t infringe on the life, liberty, or property of other people, the federal government should not have a say. Republicans, stop focusing on petty things like abortion and focus on what matters 

Dismantle the abortion industrial complex (when we abolish patriarchies, the state, classes, hierarchies, police etc)

Increase government funding (maybe through Supply side economics for family planning (insurance coverage of and public funding for family planning services)  to increase and be more available to families

If you can't move to the left on abortion, then at worst become Pro life in all but a name/lean Pro choice and or "pro choice” as well as “anti abortion” . 

"pro choice” as well as “anti abortion” .means that you keep abortion legal, but you still want the government to reduce the number of abortions by increasing availability of other options like child leave 
universal childcare instead of establishing regulations on abortion 

Create more restrictions for third trimester abortion

Ban partial birth abortion and live birth abortion

Make it manslaughter or second degree murder if a baby who survives an abortion is ignored by the doctor or if that baby is murdered after surviving the abortion

Make it so those mothers seeking third trimester abortion for rape and incenst ,are heavily encouraged (in a propaganda sort of way) to first or shortly after their abortion, through mutual aide, private donations etc help legal and illegal migrants with their healthcare in the same way that Gavin Newsom helped legal and illegal migrants with their healthcare in his healthcare reform in 2022, along with petitioning to get people taken off death row, and helped make anti pharma people to become pro pharma. Gavin said his benefits to illegals were real pro life 

Make sure to heavily fund the creation of the artificial womb created ASAP so women who want an abortion can instead have their unborn fetus transferred to an Artificial womb when that becomes viable in the future. That way, the unborn baby can still be born, but from a different (artificial) womb. 

This way the woman who doesn't want her child can transfer that unborn fetus to an artificial womb so the child still gets to be born (even if the child was conceived via rape or incest).

Look into finding a way to maybe implement a system where there are no rights for unborn babies, infants , toddlers or kids until they are created by contract. 

Under this system, unborn babies in particular are property of their parents until they sign a contract. So this system would make abortion on demand legal for all three trimesters and terms since the mother’s rights are all that matters . 

However, if the unborn baby can somehow magically sign a contract and shed their rights in the womb, even if the unborn baby signs that contract in the first trimester or term it would be illegal to abort that baby for any reason . This is similar to Benjamin Tucker’s view. 

Create and open thousands of adoption centers and abortion crises centers throughout the US even if they do influence pregnant mothers to keep their babies . But at the same time, if that is to be the case, in those areas (like poor areas) that don't have abortion clinics or don't have enough abortion clinics open more abortion clinics,. 

Also transform said poor areas where we add more needed abortion clinics into a It takes a village type area that is similar to this idea and Hillary Clinton's It takes a village type ideas . 

Make it so that people in those areas, basically collectively raise the children in those areas or use babysitting sharing co-ops to help raise them  .These programs would help all children in those areas live a happy, healthy, normal childhood.

Do not repeal the Hyde Amendment. Keep it legal

Create more funding to increase research into Cryptic pregnancies 

For pro choicers in party focus more on Direct Action projects than SJWism 

Instead of setting up abortion objectives, abortion quotas in health establishments, it is necessary to financially support structures that offer support to isolated and hesitant women. 

An Unfavorable socioeconomic background is a determining factor for most women who have had an abortion. So, I advocate for a policy that is more conducive to the nurturing and raising of children

Promote sexual abstinence 

As for parental consent, I believe at the very least, minors should have to have some adult in their life consent to their abortion. 

If minors can’t vote, fight in the military, get legally married, have a full time job, consent to sex, why should we allow them to make an abortion decision?  

However, maybe make it so that children who don’t like how their parents are treating them that children should have an unconditional right to end their parents’ guardianship at any age where they are physically capable of running away. 

Make it so that this right should also include the right for the child to strike out on their own with them being allowed to get an abortion without their parents or adult permission after striking out on their own (but not before) .Neither parents nor the State should have any right to force runaway children to return to the guardianship of any adult against the child’s will 

Keep this stuff in mind when moving leftward on abortion and take those views in that post into consideration on abortion which can especially be used to find common ground on that issue

Read these Teen Vogue tips and advice on how to become progressive/leftist on abortion herehereherehere and use that stuff as a guide in abortion policy making for the Republican party

Ban population control

At least try to force all men in the US to live underground and to be used solely for breeding purposes while making it so that all women in the US live above ground and have full freedom, equality in a matriarchy 


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