Republican platform 1 Jewish-Muslim issues and Israel-Palestine

Republican platform 1 Jewish-Muslim issues and Israel-Palestine

Force Israel to not pass this law here and if they do pass it then force Israel to repeal that law. Make it so that Christians are protected in Israel so they can continue spreading the gospel in Israel. (freedom of religion)

If Israel passes that law above and refuses to repeal it then draft a bill to demand all foreign aid and nuclear weapons given to Israel be returned under penalty of embargo

Force the US  to help Israel through funding to Israel to become self sufficient and able to defend and aide themselves without needing the US aide to do so (like how the US was supposed to train anti Saddam Iraqis in the Iraq War to carry on the war for the US after the US left Iraq)

You Republicans should keep this in mind on the Israel-Palestine conflict: 

"On the one hand there are the Palestinian Arabs, who have tilled the soil or otherwise used the land of Palestine for centuries; and on the other, there are a group of external fanatics, who come from all over the world, and who claim the entire land area as "given" to them as a collective religion or tribe at some remote or legendary time in the past. There is no way the two claims can be resolved to the satisfaction of both parties. There can be no genuine settlement, no "peace" in the face of this irrepressible conflict; there can only be either a war to the death, or an uneasy practical compromise which can satisfy no one. That is the harsh reality of the Middle East.”. Murray Rothbard.  

Embrace Murray Rothbard's views on the Israel-Palestine conflict

Have the Republican party become Post Zionist and pro Co-Exist on the Israel-Palestine conflict

At worst, have the Republican party become either old school humanist universal Zionists, Non Zionists, Labour Zionists (non Zionist) or Israeli Nationalists  Modern Zionism is too Nationalistic to support

Ideally, you Republicans can eventually come to embrace the Anti Zionist ideology of the pre purged Anti Zionist National Review writers (from the mid 20th century)

Realize that Zionism has fulfilled its ideological mission with the formation of the modern Israel in 1948, So conclude that Zionist ideology should therefore be considered at an end. 

This has been evident since the Oslo Accords.  Pressure the US and Israel to make sure Israel no longer declares itself to be a Jewish democratic state and then make Israel instead focus on its democratic aspects. You Republicans need to use this movement to create social equality in Israel in a way that meshes with my views in my blogs

Republicans, along with the US/Israel/Palestine get answers to these Post Zionist questions below and then ya'll act accordingly after ya'll find those answers :

Is Israel a safe haven for the Jewish nation? Are there any other places in the world which the Jews' conditions are better from a historical point of view? (like North America?)

Is it actually possible to have both a Jewish state and a democracy? Should Israel become a state of all its citizens?

Is the Israeli–Palestinian conflict fully black and white? Did Israel always maximize its efforts to obtain peace with the Palestinians? Should all of the blame for the continuation of the conflict fall on the Palestinian side?

Many of the above questions have also been raised by Zionists. However, I emphasize these points in their conception of Zionist history.

Promote challenging the existence of a cultural hegemony in Israel. Make sure to keep up encouraging different groups in Israel to undermined the perception of the melting pot, according to which only one Israeli culture existed and all the cultures joining it had to shed their previous identities. 

Push for these unique cultural communities who have been fighting for their place in Israel, to keep doing so: Mizrahi Jews, USSR immigrants, Israeli Arabs etc.

Also push for Messianic Jews to also undermine the perception of a melting pot in Israel and to have their place in Israel (and to promote their visibility in Israel). Then maybe push this even further

Republicans, get the US to get Israel to at worst deal with migrants the way that the Christian Romans dealt with the Israelis during the bible; prevent Israeli democracy is eroding. 

Republicans keep this in mind: 

Jewish people have wandered for thousands of years without nation or power ,until the creation of Israel (and even after it, though much less so than before) and are thus a refutation of Zionist and Nationalist idealogy (or even the concept of a country to being with) since their cohesion through their wanderings eliminate the whole nation-power concept from politics. 

They should be admired for keeping their identity and culture together through those thousands of years of wanderings. And so use that Jewish dispora model above for a post nation world where nations are fluid and nomadic, more like the Jewish dispora Jews (mobile and fluid) and less like Israel Jews (Zionist/Nationalist) and static nation residents (ie US, Canada, Australia, China, UK, etc)

Republicans, after you embrace the left wing socioeconomic ideology I want you to embrace and Post Zionism (and after you digest what I wrote above) eventually you will and should:

Push for all states/governments ,classes and hierarchies on Earth to be abolished to create a stateless , classless, heiarchyless and thus inclusive, egalitarian world.  

This includes you Republicans pushing for the state of Israel to be abolished and preventing any Palestinian state from being created. This is line with the wishes of Left Wing Jews like Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, Béla Kun, Rosa Luxemburg and Emma Goldman. Of course if you don't go all the way and push for this to happen to Israel-Palestine, then let this point here guide you to decide what to do about Israel-Palestine.

This would basically be similar to a no state solution where Israelis and Palestinians live in a stateless society (well technically it is a no state solution by its very nature)

Republicans support and promote self determinationst Bundism. Also push for a EU where countries are like states in the US and the EU is one big country to be great home for Bundists

If you Republicans can't get over your Zionism hangup then based on this article (and taken with a grain of salt and should be in no way be used to protest Israel existing), push for the creation an Anarcho Monarchism system in Israel/Palestine and then install the Neturei Karta as a monarch dynasty counterposed against the state (Israel) as a representative not only for the Palestinians but for the Orthodox Jewish Anti Zionist people in Israel/Palestine who feel that the true Israel won't exist until the Jewish Messiah comes to Earth and restores the land of Israel, and reforms it himself. Realize that current Israel is more about Israelism and less about Judaism. 

Regardless, if and when the Jewish Messiah comes back to Earth (as the Neturei Karta claim), and restores the land of Israel, then and only then should the Republican party support those Israeli settlers in that reformed Land of Israel in the West Bank despite that comparison 

If that is too 'anti Israel' for you Republilcans to embrace then f*ck it, EITHER:

Push for Israel to be expanded to become Greater Israel and to have an unrecognized Palestinian state (like how the Judean provisional government from AD 66-68 and the Free Lebanon state from 1979-1984 were unrecognized states) located somewhere within Greater Israel


Push for Israel to consider going back to being as big as it was when it was the Kingdom of Israel united monarchy (the united Kingdom of Israel under David and Solomon in the bible) and to get Israel to make the Palestanians and displaced groups live in client states within that reborn Kingdom of Israel in areas where there were client states in the Kingdom of Israel united Monarchy in the bible.

Moreover in this Kingdom of Israel , there would be a fusion of something between *Far center Nationalism and Left Wing Nationalism with Imperialism

*Far center politics is basically thisthis and similar to Radical Centrism

Maybe though as a more realistic set of ideas for you Republicans to embrace if you are still deadset on being Israel First, is for you Republicans to either:

Push for a 2 state solution for Israel-Palestine that is based on Donald Trump's peace plan map

However, make that peace plan have the Allied Bedouin Tribes be given the land that is marked for the Palestinians in that plan and thus that Palestinian state should instead be an Allied Bedouin Tribe state.  

Palestinians can still live in this Allied Bedouin Tribe state but they would be a Dependent territory and Associated State of this Allied Bedouin Tribe state in the same way that the Cook Islands and Niue are Dependent territories and Associated States of New Zealand.  

The Palestinians would also be given a legal clause which allows them to secede from the Allied Bedouin Tribe state like how the Old South states seceded from the United States in 1861 to form the CSA. However in doing they would risk a Civil War similar to the US Civil War.


Push for a fusion of a common three state solution idea (including this type of three state solution) and the current status quo in Israel-Palestine

If that stuff is also impractical then push for Palestine to be independent but to have the same relationship with and to Israel that Taiwan has with and to China

Based off of non interventionism, you Republicans should support Israel like any of our allies like the UK, Australia, Argentina, but not more than you support those allies and certainly not put Israel above the US. 

Maybe in the past that the US being Israel First was needed due to the Jews needing Israel after their centuries of abuse

But you Republicans need to be Post Zionist and once you are you have to realize that the US should no longer support Israel like that and thus should accordingly become Post Zionist

To Republicans despite becoming non interventionist and Post Zionist on Israel you should still push for temporary Night’s Watchmen alliances (including temporary FULL military alliances within the framework of temporary Night’s Watchmen alliances) between the US and Israel 

Republicans get the Christians United For Israel to become decentralized , to stop hijacking Judaism for its own goal, to stop pushing for our politicians to be Israel first and support and to support a fusion of Jewish Autonomy , reasonable AnCap dispensationalism, fused with these ideas in this thread (which combined is essentially post zionism)

Diaspora non zionism/zionism when done right is a good thing (see the UK’s Jewish community who I am a fan of for proof which is what you Republicans should push our Jewish community to emulate) but when done too much (never happened before that I know of, so hypothetical but still..) it could be an issue, albeit small one, and any mainstream political scientist would echo this point

Republicans you need your politicians to find compassionate to empathetic common ground with the Jews on Diaspora non zionism/zionism without ya'll stepping over the line in either direction.  

You need to build more bridges and less barriers between you Republicans and the Jewish community to make both sides happy. We need to bring Diaspora non zionists/zionists into the conversation on this and be part of helping to overcome this challenge 

Stop Israel from having special privileges, trade offers and partnerships that are not available to any other serial violator of human rights. Stop Israel from literally getting away with its human rights abuses, genocide and settler colonialism . Stop Israel from being a serial violator of human rights

Implement Anti BDS laws to push the BDS to be less Liberal 2.0 and more leftist on the Israel-Palestine conflict

The Republican pro Israel people should help address the concerns of BDS people and their allies but in a Pro Israel way (ie in a way that benefits Israel and the Israelites and also makes the BDS people and their allies along with the Palestinians feel their concerns were alleviated at the same time while pushing the Liberalism 2.0 faction of the BDS movement to be non Liberal 2.0 via Republicans like Rand Paul and JD Vance)

Become pro Palestine at least as much as you are Pro Israel

Continue to keep the Capital of Israel in Jerusalem because as long Israel exists or exists as it is, the Capital might as well be in its eternal and traditional place (Jerusalem). Ditto for the US embassy in Jerusalem

Though maybe it would be better if you Republicans push for the Capital of Israel to be moved to either the Ancient biblical city of Bethel or to Shiloh (but via a Donald Trump type 'let's make a deal' so Palestinians get something for giving up Shiloh to the Jews). 

Don't be so hard on Israel since according to the Torah God pushes his natural will by doing things that are at times seemingly against all countries on Earth, including Israel (but for good reasons not antisemetic reasons, and not to punish per say, just a 'karma thing due to how you lived' type of thing and done subtly a la Butterfly Effect). So let God be the one to do those things to all countries he sees fit to do them to (which furthers his will).  Filter this through my complex and personal spiritual beliefs

Even if Israel are acting on being provoked by the Palestinians (not that the Palestinians are are bad, both sides equally got a legit grievance its just Israel's grievance is more faux legit than the Palestians' grievance which is actually as legit ) to combat the Palestinians so called aggression you should push for them to stand down and help them find more humane ways to counter the Palestinians 

Pray for G-d to correct Israel for their negative actions against the Palestinians like he corrected the Jews while they were roaming in the wilderness for 40 years in Exodus.  

If Israel is to be the ‘America of the Middle East’ make Israel live up to that label to handle the Palestinian situation more humanely and compassionately.

Push for Israel to continue to fight against white nationalism and antisemeitism as they have done for aeons. Make sure there is never such a thing as a "Zionist monopoly over the narrative of Jewish survival”.

Republicans always be pro co-exist and support Israel even if Israel goes harder on the Palestinians. Do not turn against Israel like Abraham Foxman ended up doing

More of Israel’s decades of human rights abuses against the Palestinians can be found here

Support the more moderate factions of the Herut Party (Israel) 


All of the non-Jewish, right-wing extremists are to some degree anti-semitic, that shouldn't be debatable. 

Though what is debatable is identifying who is a right-wing extremist and who is merely a staunch conservative or civic nationalist. 

Staunch conservatives and civic nationalists rarely are in particular antisemitic. In a lot of cases, even non moderate Conservatives aren't antisemitic at all, particularly among Conservatives on the coasts in locations like NYC, Los Angeles and Miami who are surrounded by Jewish people and thus understand first hand that there is no Jewish conspiracy to cause devastation onto all non-Jews. 

On a personal level Donald Trump might actually fall into that coastal Conservative category actually, I admit that he did not create any anti-semitic laws or make any anti-semitic executive orders. Trump even supported giving way more financial aid to Israel than Israel really needs.

However, since it's not socially acceptable to be a naughtzie sympathizer publicly in a multiracial society like the US where whites are not big of a majority, naughtzie sympathizers cloak themselves as staunch conservatives, they rarely cloak themselves as progressives or even centrists

And this covert infiltration of legit conservative communities by covert anti-semitic white ’nationalists’ is evident, and I feel that conservatives, who in numerous cases aren't antisemitic, do not ostracize these anti-semitic people the way they should (you Republicans should confront those anti semites and weed them out of the Republican party), and they passively condone it (don't condone it), and also amplify it in a few cases when they dogwhistle since it's politically expedient and at times even financially expedient for them, it helps them to win elections and it helps them to maximize the markets for anything they are selling or assisting others in selling as the go-between (don't amplify, dogwhistle bigotry stop other Republicans from doing that too). I’ve seen these patterns in the last 10 years. It started with the Alt Right infiltrating MAGA around 2016.

So you Republicans should confront, weed out such 


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