Democrat party platform 1 Migration

 "We must protect the 11 million undocumented immigrants in our country from deportation and provide them a pathway to citizenship. In 2003, ICE was created as a reaction to 9/11 (which like the forever wars in the Middle East, Patriot Act and TSA is another harsh holdover from that authoritarian, Islamaphobic, reactionary post 9/11 world by Republicans). Since then, it has turned into an organization that regularly violates basic human rights. We don’t need a special enforcement agency charged with targeting undocumented immigrants and should abolish ICE."   Justice Democrats

Ice should be replaced with a Resurrected INS

The Democrats should get the US to look into moving our country in a direction to one day be able to implement the same lax border security on its border with Mexico that it had on its border with Canada pre 9/11 and also look into moving our country in a direction to one day be able to not require a passport requirement for Mexicans to enter the US (as it had no passport requirement for Canadians to enter the US pre 9/11)

The Democrats need to make the US create more poc inclusive migration policies along with making the US to encourage more migration from Europe, Eastern Asia, Cuba, etc that is conjoined with pro-affirmative action policies. 

Favor high skilled migration to drive the economy and to make up for the population decline/shortage of labor that the majority of western countries face due to the silent generationers, baby boomers and generation jones peoples leaving the workforce and aging

Embrace some of Andrea Nagle's Left Case against open borders ideas for migration (but don't embrace her 'true left wing migration' ideas she supports (that is for the Republican party platform only). Basically try to add 'old school left/liberal/Democrat' migration policies and ideas into migration. Also keep this in mind when creating migration reform

Advocate protection of all workers rights no matter country of origin. 

End the practice of putting migrant kids in cages

Create a Refugee Nation

Deportation is a waste of taxpayer money

Maybe we can get all Trump extremists (like the ones mentioned by John Brennan and GWB in 2021) to self deport and only be allowed to move back to the US when they become deradicalized 

This quote could help borderhawks and ‘xenophobes’ be inclusive to migrants . Though one wonders what enflamed their anti migrant xenophobia in the first place, this snipet may provide a hint

Have the US build two offshore Autonomous Republics as sanctuary republics for migrants, in particular illegal migrants etc. Similar to Refugee Nation, Korean People's Association in Manchuria

Those two lands would be Autonomous Republics of the United States (similar to how Crimea is a Autonomous Republic of Ukraine). 

All migrants and illegal migrants around the world would be able to move to these 2 US Autonomous Republics , much easier than it is now for migrants/illegal immigrants from Australians and New Zealanders to live in each other’s country due to the trans Tasman arrangement . 

One of those two migrant, illegal immigrant US Autonomous Republics would be a real life version of mythological Atlantis, and be exactly where it is on this map. 

The other migrant, illegal immigrant US Autonomous Republic would be a real life version of mythological Antillia and be exactly where it is on this map. 

The US can use landfill, terraforming and other methods to do that. Once the backlogs are cleared this sanctuary republic concept will have paved the way for a clear path to implementing my migration reform ideas in this blog

Reject the TPP


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