Democrat party platform 1 Science

 Democrat party platform 1 Science

Clean air bills and clear skies bills are crypto anti-environmental bills due to them slapping a clean label on our huge carbon footprint and its enabling industries. This is because we don’t have enough green (environmentalists) in impactful political positions and this needs to change. So have the Democrat party get more greens (i.e environmentalists) in impactful political positions and go deeper and beyond slapping clean labels on our huge carbon footprint and enabling industries . Remove our carbon footprint and abolish those enabling industries 

Fight against pollution even more than you do now since pollution violates the NAP

Embrace integral ecology and use that as a guide with eco policies for the Democrat party

Embrace Extinction Rebellion and implement policies based off of it (or maybe make them a coalition group within the Democrat party)

Embrace XR's use of casually getting arrested to pressure law makers to focus harder on fighting climate change

By emulating XR in getting  arrested to fight climate change we will be using similar to the strategy by MLK JR (one of XR's guiding inspirations which is really good) in calling for civil disobedience to end segregation who like with XR , was directed toward all who were willing and able, regardless of race or color. Thankfully being pro XR is good because XR is rightfully committed to diversity (including in diversity in terms of styles of engagement i.e a person does not need to volunteer for a prison term in order to be an active member of XR) and solidarity .

Fulfill XR's fourth demand: "for a just transition that prioritises the most vulnerable and indigenous sovereignty [and] establishes reparations and remediation led by and for black people, indigenous people, people of colour and poor communities for years of environmental injustice."  This is a reasonable demand 

Get the XR coalition you create to get the support of the Working class  to be more effective. To quote professor Karen Bell "XR needsthe broad-based support necessary for a radical transition to sustainability requires contributions from all strands of environmentalism, especially working class"  

The Labour party's Lisa Nandy said "calls for individual action can't just be modelled on the lifestyles of middle class city dwellers".  By XR shifting toward getting the help of the Working class, that would by extension help them fill their diversity commitments and help them fulfill their fourth demand more effectively.

Fulfill XR's third demand to go beyond politics "Extinction Rebellion's third demand ("Government must create and be led by the decisions of a Citizens' Assembly on climate and ecological justice"

Follow the advice of Natasha Josette of Labour for a Green New Deal who wrote in April 2019 in the The Independent and get the XR to recognize that: "the climate crisis is the result of neoliberal capitalism, and a global system of extraction, dispossession and oppression"

I echo from The Independent, Amardeep Dhillon's criticism of XR's narrow focus on net zero carbon emissions . Like Dhillion I believe that XL should not ignore extractivism and the threat to the environment that is constituted by companies in the extractive sect using greenwashing as a shield to advance their economic interests.  Like Dhillion I believe that XR's should not give carte blanche to governments and corporations (who are more than content to shift the weight of climate destruction onto communities stricken with povety poor and indigenous communities of colour in the global South).  So get the XR to take that criticism into consideration in your Democrat-XR coalition with them

Embrace the plan by XR's citizens' assembly to force policies to fight climate change as that is a bold way to do so that cuts through the green saviorism bureucracy (like mentioned above with greenwashing companies)

In your coalition with XR, permit XR to refuse to take stances on issues beyond the environment. XR does this in order to gain as big of a base of support as possible (though banning organizing community groups based on political identity might be a stretch). Though we should get XR to at least take an Anti Capitalism stance. 

Capitalism is pretty much NOT compatible with sustained life on Earth. It is naive and ignorant to pretend that a proposed climate solution which retains capitalism is any type of solution at all." By XR failing to take up an anti-capitalist position it undermines XR's credibility by lending indirect support to huge companies who are responsible for environmentally destructive behavior

Use these type of ideas here to prevent climate change activists from burning out /quitting

Reject Deep Adaption and Jem Bernall's Deep Adaption. Their climate predictions are too pessimistic

Implement sixth political position ideas on the relation between Democrats and fighting climate change

Keep in mind that Climate Change has positive effects and may be a good thing: Warmer winters and thus fewer winter deaths, lower energy costs, better agricultural yields, fewer droughts, maybe richer biodiversity see this for more

Accept the hard truth that too much mass migration and illegal immigration might have ecological drawbacks. Some people say that too much migration and illegal immigration causes damage to the environment and contributes to climate change:    Since I am not a scientist I can't tell if they are right or not but its worth a read  . Of course climate change may cause increased migration and illegal immigration so it is a chicken or the egg type of argument if true

If true, these drawbacks are drawbacks that leads to more expansion which leads to nature and forests being replaced with towns ,cities, roads, highways, taking away that beautiful nature and forests . So create policies which fight climate change even in areas where migration/illegal migration causes it

Prevent the government and social media companies from censoring and blocking people who criticize green energy transition.

Embrace green politics which emphasize spontaneous self-organisation, participatory democracy, decentralization and voluntarism, as opposed to the bureaucratic or statist approach

Have the Democrat party embrace the idea that the state should be reduced to have its main occupation be taking care of the environment in a way that meshes with my blogs

Embrace Bioregionalism and use it to help improve our planet


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