Democrat party platform 1 Guns

Democrat party platform 1 Guns

Gun violence is a public health crisis in the United States that disproportionately impacts communities of color. The vast majority of Americans support expanded background checks, 54 percent want a ban on assault weapons and 54 percent want a ban on high capacity magazines. We agree with the majority of the American people and support these measures. To enact common sense gun safety measures, we must break the NRA’s hold on our corrupt government and prioritize the mental and physical health of the people over the billion-dollar gun manufacturing industry’s bottom line.  Justice Democrats

Listen to all good-faith (big tent) opinions on universal background checks and expanded red flag laws at minimum 

I believe we should lower the amount of guns (all types) in the US to a level where we know will significantly reduce gun violence (even if it doesn’t). The US has more guns than any other country on Earth.  Less guns less government control since a lot of guns and government control goes together hand in hand  

Read and implement some ideas on gun control that are militantly moderate and from the book Mediations of a Militant Moderate

Maybe consider looking into possibly bringing back the 1994-2004 assault weapons ban which would also keep existing assault weapons in circulation but ban the sales of new ones because we would be going back to something we are used to


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