Republican party platform 1 Science

Republican party platform 1 Science

Support and implement policies preserving (conserving) the natural habitat and the national identity of our nations (basic National identity) in order to complement each other in a common sense way. This is to conserve elements of the past ecologically and culturally (as noted and outlined in each section of my blogs)  

Basically on the environment/eco system, I want the Republican party to be ‘conservative’ but only on the environment/eco system in that I want them to preserve/conserve the environment/eco system (through green policies, degrowth, allowing nature to reclaim urban land etc) like how conservatives want to preserve/conserve traditional cultural values

The Industrial revolution, gas vehicles, non green electricity and similar anti green elements all supplanted our traditions just as much as cultural things did and thus both should be dealt with similarly (as noted and outlined in each section of my blog)

Based off of that, ideally match the Conservative Party UK's climate change prevention plan : 

Get net zero greenhouse emissions by 2062 . In some ways be a complete evangelist for carbon capture and storage, a ten point plan for green industrial revolution (if it is anything like the Industrial Revolution but for green energy that is base ,especially since that would reverse the damage to our planet that the industrial revolution has done), cutting methane emissions by 25 percent by the year 2039,  cutting what I deem as carbon emissions by 70 percent by the 2040s (give or take many years) and climate finance and green bonds (I had a savings account as a kid, bonds are related to savings accounts so hence my reasons for ya'll to support)  

At minimum embrace free-market environmentalism, to assert private property rights in relation to environmental protection and pollution prevention.

Adopt Malcolm Turnbull's National Energy Guarantee 

Support and implement Degrowth policies asap

Make the Republican party's environment generally match the Five Star Movement’s environmental views

Ignore the tail end risk (i.e worst case scenerio) of climate change when formatting policies to combat climate change

Climate Change Apocalypse predictions may really be pointing to the Biblical Apocalypse (ie using the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse imagery).   So the Republican party should keep this in mind. But still have the Republican party be closer to supporting Productivism than to ya'll being a party that believes in Climate Change apocalype models. Though possibly have the Republicans to embrace a tendency to embrace Post Conservative views on Climate Change apocalypse things (like possibly create a “modern day Noah’s Ark’ like what Bill Bradley wanted to do here)

Make at least this recommendation for energy conservation - "Let's keep the private jets on the ground". See here for more

You Republicans should follow religion or your conscious and be stewards for Earth ,regardless if your party believes there is Climate Change or no Climate Change

Embrace environmentalism that is not mistaken about who the real people are and this mindset below:

"Like the fault of evictions (like during recessions) is not of some families that supposedly lived beyond their means, but is of a speculative and pirate type financial/economic system that has been played in a casino savings of the working people, climate change is similarly not to blame for the consumption habits of humble people but instead for the great economic powers who have benefited from the extractive economy.  

I acknowledge that ordinary people develop the habit of recycling, knowing perfectly well that 30 percent of the greenhouse gases emitted into our planet’s atmosphere during the last 50 years comes from only twenty global companies.

Our environmentalism activism must promote a multidisciplinary approach which is included in different fields of political action: including in the management of energy and water resources to land-urban planning and management, housing access and mobility, a smart food and health consumption policy linked to daily problems such as local air pollution and waste management.

I am fine with tools which expands traditional speeches of our green parties aimed mainly at urban, university and activist classes (in a non ‘college liberal’ way), that can be labor claim integrated , improving public services like access to education, water, food production, energy, transport etc promote preservation for the future

We must bet on the economy to be back at the service of the people , natural resources, way of life and no the other way around

The territorial component has to be quintessential and strike a balance in the rural and urban sphere that passes through an improved balance of our existing distribution of power, through necessary transition towards transformational models and different distributed resources, reconciling the preservating natural heritage of the rural environment with improving the living conditions of our population, with a focused leading role which goes beyond the subaltern thinking of simple pantry or resource source for large cities, while valuing the legacy, experience and knowledge of our lands and their interconnected plural reality.

In nature we see a needed connectedness and interrelationship which show us that all things are of equal importance to the functioning of the Earth, plants-shrubs, stones, nothing but humans are the top and nothing is at the bottom, there is one single unit below humans. We have a synergy with our lands 

But we still need to be at one with nature. We have to save our forests, so our ovens don't become cold when it gets colds and so our life continues to thrive on this planet.

We need to protect our forests and nature from deforestation, invasive species (which are unnatural), and from urban expansion and exploitation so nature always has a place for us."

Have the Republican party conditionally support and create policies that are between something like Eco Alter Isolationism/Eco Night Watchman’s State (19th. Century Britain Splendid Isolationism) and Eco  unilateralism along with Eco Protectionism by the US and some of their allies 

The Republicans and US as a whole and some of their allies would use something between Eco Alter Isolationism/Eco Night Watchman’s State (19th. Century Britain Splendid Isolationism) and Eco unilateralism along with Eco Protectionism toward countries (like China) that don’t take steps to curb the eco system/environmental damage and climate change. 

These measures would not be removed until those countries take climate change and protection of the eco system more seriously 

Basically using Degrowth to make those people sacrifice their self interests (like by not being materialistic or consumerist) for the wellness of our planet 


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