Democrat platform 1 Jewish-Muslim and Israel-Palestine issues

Democrat platform 1 Jewish-Muslim and Israel-Palestine issues

Have this outlook on the Israel-Palestine conflict:

Make the closest approximation to your views on the Israel-Palestinian and Israel itself to be similar to the and Israel-Palestinian conflict views of Haaretz, Rabbi Yehuda HaKohen (his post Zionism fused with Liberal Zionism) and Jamaal Bowman

Consider pushing for the Canaanism movement to be brought back and have them work with Israel/Palestine on a Allon plan solution (but with the Canaanism movement people replacing Jordan in this plan)

"Do not advocate for a particular solution to the I-P conflict and do not call for either a “one state solution” or a “two state solution”. Instead, focus on the realization of basic rights and the implementation of international law. Call for respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194.  (though this idea in this screenshot might be a good solution to push for Israel and Palestine to agree to)

Do not support one side over the other . Get Israel and Palestine to work forward to class consciousness over ethnic/religious identity

Democrats cannot support annexing the modern day, pre Jewish Messiah West Bank. This is because it would be bad since annexing that land will either wrongly cause the Palestinians to be second class, non-voting citizens in Israel (which would threaten the democratic character of Israel) or it will cause Palestinians to have equal rights (which will threaten the Jewish character of Israel). Neither of these options are viable or good for either side

However if annexing that land would lead to one state (like a One State Solution/binational solution/One Nation State) to the Israel-Palestine conflict, which could either be a twin regime federalist arrangement or a unitary state) between the Mediterranean and Jordan just like the creator the BDS, Omar Barghouti wants then maybe consider that option for resolving this conflict otherwise NO

Maybe you Democrats can shift this Israel-Palestine reconfiguration solution plan further after some time down the road by at some point after getting the ideas above implemented, then pushing for the Palestinians to be given all of the land of the former Northern Kingdom of Israel/Kingdom of Israel Samaria (and for them to live there as an independent nation but that land they live you should push for to be renamed Northern Kingdom of Israel/Kingdom of Israel Samaria

Do this while getting the rest of Israel to remain as part of Israel (any area that the Palestinians currently occupy that wasn't part of the biblical Northern Kingdom of Israel/Kingdom of Israel Samaria would then be given to the Jews and Israelis). 

What we call Israel now you should then push for to be called Israel, Kingdom of Judah and Southern Kingdom interchangeably (like in the bible)

Then you Democrats should get the descendants of the lost tribes of Israel who live outside of Israel-Palestine to be heavily aided and encouraged (like the Jewish people were in the late 1940s and 1950s) to move to the reborn Northern Kingdom of Israel/Kingdom of Israel Samaria to live amongst the Palestinians in that independent state.

See the Israel-Palestine conflict through the prism of Afro Pessimism:

According to Afro Pessimist scholar Frank B Wilderson III Israelis and Palestinians are closer and have more in common with each other than they realize “I was faced with the realization that in the collective unconscious, Palestinian insurgents have more in common with the Israeli state and civil society than they do with Black people. What they share is a largely unconscious consensus that Blackness is a locus of abjection to be instrumentalized on a whim.”

So even the oppressed but nonblack freedom fighter who fights against a white supremacist, settler colonial project (Israel), as Wilderson III claims, has anti-blackness in common with their oppressor. He goes on to claim that the conflict between Israel and Palestine is only intelligible through anti-blackness:

Without the articulation of a common negrophobogenesis that relays between Israel and Palestine, the narrative coherence of their bloody conflict would evaporate. My friend’s and his fellow Palestinians’ negrophobogenesis is the bedrock, the concrete slabs upon which any edifice of Human articulation (whether love or war) is built.  Though use this piece from Jacobin to balance this outlook 

Embrace Bernie Sanders views on the Israel-Palestine conflict here. Also take into account these (Crimethinc), views of Israel when making policies that have to do with Israel-Palestine

Keep Kahanism off of the U.S. terror blacklist (though keep it on the Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) entity).

Create a problem solvers caucus within the BDS and get BDS to become more diplomatic 

Make the BDS map to be used to build coalitions with Jewish business owners to find a third way/third camp solutions to the Israel settlement issues that doesn’t use SJW (i.e bullying, threatening, shaming, forcing) , boycott, demonizing and cancel culture tactics to do so, otherwise the map should be fixed or shredded.  The Jewish business owners who don’t comply should be left alone peacefully 

Stop the BDS from using SJW , boycott , demonizing and cancel culture methods so the BDS doesn't end up like the British Israelites groups of the late 19th century and early 20th century

Democrats, learn from the mistakes of the Labour Party so you don't repeat those mistakes:

"The campaign against "anti-Semitism" in the Labour Party takes hold of a vulnerability of the broad left - its intersectionality, its inability to confront identity-oppression claims. By doing so it weaponises the idea of anti-racism”. Mike Macnair editor of the Weekly Worker"

Keep in mind what Sociologist Steven M. Cohen says which is that the correlation between anti-Zionism and antisemitism is weak, with all of the combinations of the pro- and anti-Zionist and antisemitist positions being possible

Keep in mind that the reason that the US gives so much military aid to Israel is that it's a strong US ally and a catspaw. The US gives way more to other countries if we include the troops we station there - South Korea is far and away the biggest recipient of aid well above Israel. Israel it's just the US doesn’t choose to risk American lives when they help defend the country unlike some of the US’s other allies that are less risky like South Korea, Japan, Germany, etc. So act accordingly Democrats

Embrace and promote Palestinian nationalism

Embrace balance by countering the Left wing critique of modern day, pre Jewish Messiah Israel occupying the modern day pre Jewish Messiah West Bank by adopting the type of thinking on Israel here ,and here

We have to make the BDS make Israel truly egalitarian and become a democratic state, so then it wouldn’t matter what the demographic make up of Israel is. A citizen is a citizen. 

Get the BDS to make Israel a democracy (though neither is the US, the US is a Constitutional Republic), and work hard with them to stop it from being a colonized settler state and ethnocracy so that it no longer is built around privileging Jewish Israelis over everyone else . This would stop Israel from instating chauvinist laws which breed discrimination against Palestinians, even Palestinians that it begrudgingly calls citizens of Israel. 

I felt this way back in the early 2000s viewing online photos of Israel (like Hanukkah celebrations) where I saw all white Israelis and no Palestinians and no Jews of other races-ethnicities in said photos . It did feel a tad like a Apartheid viewing those photos back then. 

I have since come to my senses and downplay these thoughts or even no longer reel this way but I can see why some BDS say that Israel is an Apartheid state and this can be seen in my Israel Palestine views throughout this blog.  Stop the Israeli logic that animates much of Israel’s demographic obsessions, and make Israel stop having he dehumanizing view that Palestinian babies are demographic ‘threats’, because they ‘endanger’ an absolute Jewish majority.

Push for returning refugees in Israel to effectively end the Israeli regime which has historically organized itself through. colonial and discriminatory Zionist policies of Israeli chauvinism

According to Sander Gilman and Shaun King, Jews were *originally POC (dark skinned), so there is no excuse for Israel to continue to be a white ethnocracy (not that they should be a white ethnocracy if that isn’t true, because they shouldn’t be a white ethnocracy regardless) so push for Israel to stop being a white ethnocracy , Make the BDS get Israel to grant and respect basic rights, implement and adhere to international law and be a state for all citizens.   

*To expand on this, the bible does say in Revelations that Jesus eyes are like flames of fire, and his hair is like wool. Furthermore some people feel that the Lost tribes of Israel were black

The Jews might be the original Palestinians so keep that in mind

It is intellectually dishonest to claim that dismantling this problematic undemocratic system is tantamount for calling for the genocide of Israelis, as it is often claimed.   

When the Apartheid regime in South Africa was defeated, this didn’t mean the physical destruction or genocide of South Africa as a state or of the Afrikaner despite critics of the ANC constantly falsely accused them of calling for the genocide of the white population, similar to how Israelis do in our time against Palestinians (Israel is not a white supremacist or Apartheid state I just used this to make a point)

See the IDF like former Israeli general and deputy chief of staff of the IDF Yair Golan views them

If Palestinians feel they are being slighted by Israel they should be encouraged by Democrats to apply for political asylum/refugee status in the US. We'll happily and somewhat more than conditionally take them

Keep this in mind too and spread this word: Palestinians of today have a rich and great history and according to Judeo Christianity and Islam tradition, they are descended from Ishmael who was the brother of Isaac and they hold a key place in Judeao Christian/Abrahamic history. Some of the Palestinians ancestors are the Phillistines, Jordnians, Syria

Moreover, some religion theologians say that God gave Ishmael’s descendants ,the Palestinians oil rich lands in the Middle East as a consolation prize for the Palestinians not being awarded Israel (since according to some religious theologians, God gave Israel to the Jews)   Filter this through my complex and personal spiritual beliefs

If you Democrats are ready to really embrace left wing, BDS thought on Israel-Palestine, then consider this option:

Push for Israel/Palestine to be given to the descendants of the Natufian (the Natufian were among the first inhabitants of Israel before the Canaanites and Jews) 

After doing this, Israelis in Israel should be strongly encouraged by you Democrats and you should give them incentives to settle in Iran while Palestinians would be encouraged to settle in Kuwait, Syria, Jordan and United Arab Emirates. 

However, Iran would be forced to treat the Jews in Iran as fairly as King Cyrus treated the Jews in Ancient Persia.  Iran would be forced to allow the Jews to assimilate in Iran exactly how King Cyrus allowed the Jews to assimilate in Ancient Persia.


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