Democrat party platform 1 Russia

Democrat party platform 1 Russia

The US should inspire Russia not to be 'imperialist' by the US leading by example

Embrace a lot of the Five Star Movement's views on Russia

Try to organize Dissenters Marches and Strategy 31 protests in Russia


Realize that 2 in 3 Americans, or 66 percent of Americans are concerned about sanctions by the US against Russia are contributing to higher food and energy costs at home.  (Gas prices have averaged more than $4 a gallon since the start of March 2022). Realize that 81 percent of Americans fear that the Russia-Ukraine war will expand into other European countries and that 80 percent of Americans are concerned about U.S. forces getting involved in the fighting in Ukraine. Also realize that 80 percent of Americans are concerned about Russia using nuclear weapons. Realize that most Americans feel that Ukraine (like Russia) is corrupt .So take all of that into account when devising strategies around this Russia-Ukraine conflict

Become ANTI WAR (like here) on the Russia-Ukraine war

Implement this peace proposal by the Squad 

Consider implementing suggestions from the Democratic Socialists of America on the Russia-Ukraine war (like the US withdrawing from NATO and the US "ending the imperialist expansionism that set the stage for this (Russia-Ukraine) conflict" along with these methods from these anti war people

Get Joe Biden to pretend he is nuts to scare Russia into ending their invasion of Ukraine ,like how former President Richard Nixon during the Vietnam War pretended that he was nuts in order to trick North Vietnam into coming to an agreement to end the Vietnam War

Ideas on Russia-Ukraine:

idea 1) Implement the idea by Nina Turner in this screenshot  (though in a way that sets us on a clear path to end unlimited funding for Ukraine sooner rather than later)

idea 2) Have the Democrats allow all Ukrainians in Ukraine to move to the US then cut funding to Ukraine the country and instead have the US use that Ukraine money on the 41 million Ukranian refugees in the US domestically (along with all Americans).  So maybe this way is best  .We still aid tens of millions of Ukranians but after taking them in as refugees in the US and domestically.  Then give Ukraine to the descendants of the Proto Indo Ukrainians/Neolithic Ukranians (i.e to the descendants of the settlers of Ukraine before Ukraine was colonized by Indo Ukrainians (i.e by the people Ukrainians of today are descended from)

Idea 3) Go back to the original US sanctions against Russia but implement them a lot longer and in a more expansive way than the US plans to implement the current, harsher sanctions against Russia OR have the US secretly sanction Russia (to make their sanctions more effective) . The US can use the same secrecy the US used in the 1980s when they secretly shipped weapons to Iran during the Iran Contra scandal

Idea 4) Have the US use Multipolarism against Russia to end the Russia-Ukraine conflict

That would mean you Democrats make the US and Europe impose a regime change or destabilization in Russia to end the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The Democrats would need to get the US and Europe to increase “free trade” and militarism between each other to create separate "unions" of countries with the US and Europe joined to make this work and to take out Russia 

Idea 5) If the US wants to get this war done with and stop getting cute here is what I think we should do: The US should use Environmental determinism to 'invade' Russia , take out Vladimir Putin,  throw all pro Putin Russians and all people close to Putin in gulags or concentration camps then have the US use a fusion of Ultra Imperialism , Protectoratism and Soft Social Imperialism fused with Liberal Colonial rule. This would basically make Russia literally our 51st state. 

Then we should force Russia to be just like the US (like the US under Democrats) and encourage millions of Americans from mainland/Hawaii to move to this new US state of Russia to help with this transition to a true liberal democracy that meshes with the above ideology (since Russians are backward, reactionary barbarians trolls) . Then after Joe Biden's 8 year term as President of the US is up, we can then install Joe Biden as the leader of Prussia to continue to move Prussia leftward


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