Republican party platform 1 migration

 Republican party platform 1 migration

Implement true left wing migration policies (but first clear out the immigration backlogs). Or at worst these ideas or a mix of the holocracy model and dignity proposal (including mandatory E-Verify (see here for why, funding for a “full border infrastructure system,” asylum reform, and increased interior immigration enforcement but a more progressive LPR visa program ).

Moreover the Republican public migration policies should incrementally move towards a different horizon of migration governance in which all people’s rights are respected. For this, we would need an elaboration of citizenship and human mobility laws that are dignified and respectful of human rights.

But to expand rights within the current regulatory framework, until we reach that horizon I feel the Republicans should get the US to moderately move toward bringing back their 1870s through early 1920s migration system. Eventually when we reach that horizon we will move on from this migration system 

Also set the US on a track to implement my legality wise migration views. Follow path to open world as mentioned here

Make migration be designed around the economic interests of the American people and especially Americans at the bottom of the labor market . 

Send US Special forces to the border to stop fentanyl from being smuggled in. Align with Camila Vallejo on stopping Fentanyl from entering the US illegally by strengthening the fight against drug trafficking to make it a priority of our Government. For that, it would be necessary to have all possible resources and to reach agreements in Congress to advance in judicial expulsions. Achieving a better US is everyone's job.

Reject NAFTA

Support Jeremy Corbyn Brexit

Become soft Euroskeptics 

The US must work in Central America to address the root causes of migration from Central America, to recognize that we don't need to sacrifice our humanity in the name of security. We also must work with Mexico to make sure that it takes its own border security seriously. 

Moreover, working with our neighbors to improve security across the region is an imporant component of any policy to promote prosperity and fairness in the hemisphere. A safe and secure region will lead to a safer, more secure United States.  

I also believe that the US also must engage with countries like Mexico and in Central America to address the causes that cause them to migrate to the US illegally


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