Democrat party platform 1 Nation, political standing expanded and ipdol

Democrat party platform 1 Nation, political standing expanded and ipdol

Follow this plan for your party and coalition


Keep this in mind about nationalism:

Nationality doesn’t exist, material conditions do exist however. Nationality is self-referentially cultural —- a person is part of a nation because the person perceives his/herself or is perceived to be part of that. 

Though material conditions are objective: one is proletarian or bourgeoisie no matter what someone believes him/herself to be. There are obvious prerequisites for being proletarian or bourgeoisie, whereas ethnicities or nationalities are not sufficiently clear and are not consistent. Being “working class” is not an identity, working class is a state of being. You can’t just choose that you are not working class.

National identities are "existent" in that they are believed in, yes, yet these identities emerge from and are molded by the subtle material forces at play: forces of capitalist production and reproduction. 

National identities are also always in flux in bourgeois/capitalist societies, and cosmopolitanism is born of the predominant nature of production every place on Earth. This is due to cosmopolitanism serving productive aims, and due to capitalism's motivation for growth and to expand out of necessity. This too is why attempting to fuse reactionary traditionalism with capitalism is doomed and will thus fail.

Nationality is an example of an imagined community, it is not an authentic relationship whereas class is. 

We obviously should show zero tolerance or ethnic discrimination, however it cannot create a sound basis for political action, since idpol not only obfuscates class along with inequality, but also reinforces capitalism, and ultimately leads to genocides. Idpol should thus be opposed.

The traditions of a community moreover are for the most part irrelevant. They are historically malleable, and continuingly exchanged and negotiated between communities throughout the ages. Greek religion robbed from the near East, Rome culture from Greece, Catholicism robbed from Rome, etc. Nothing is ongoing. What is meaningful is people, and how well people live.

Though a little bit of Democrat patriotism inspired by New Nationalism won't hurt the Democrats and may do them and the nation as a whole some good

Embrace Left Communitarian Multiculturalism (with a touch of One Nation Labour

political standing expanded

Allow the Justice Democrats to takeover the Democrat party and implement their vision for the Democrat party and run Justice Democrat progressives for office

I want the Democrat party to embrace Breadtube ideology. Breadtube is a popular social media collective

Create a Breadtube caucus within the Democrat party and run Breadtube candidates for office. At minimum fund Breadtube and make it have an intergenerational reach within the Democrat party as Fox News and the Daily Wire has an intergenerational reach within the Republican party (which if we can get Breadtubers to have the incendiary potential of cynicism maybe they will grow and become more mainstream)

Breadtube is great at employing memes and theatrical ploys to counter right-wing narratives (like here). They go after the “tankies” who are engaged in secret “red-brown alliance” with right-wing extremists. See here, here,  here and here for more

After Democrats embrace Breadtube ideology they also should then embrace Vaushism (Vaush is a Breadtuber). Vaushism incorporates Marxism and Liberalism in a way that even more moderate Democrats can get behind or even support

This is because Vaushism recognizes that Marxism is good due to being an extension of Liberalism (and it is a better extension of Liberalism than Liberalism 2.0). But Marxism should not be mixed with Liberalism 2.0 

So like have the Democrats embrace the type of thinking that Vaush said here  “When (Karl) Marx and following theorists wrote on capitalism they weren't writing 'capitalism and liberalism are worst things to ever happen to humanity, they are the greatest oppression of workers'. No. Marxism is supposed to be an extension of liberalism not a rejection of it, a true promotion of unity, fraternity, and freedom, and liberty, etc. That's what Marxism and that's what leftism is about, it's about bringing the messaging of the liberal movement forward, to make it better, to make it get stronger, to make it true to its principles.”

Like Breadtube embrace collectivist modes of governance, which includes embracing equity and solidarity (i.e align with Leftist Equitarian ideology)

Make sure that Democrat activists and politicians be able to relate to the common people. Have the Democrats make sure that the US prioritize the needs of its people over the state, invest in agriculture and consumer goods (in a way I deem fair) over heavy industry and the military 

Democrats, you have to revive the authentic liberalism from the 19th century with younger and more modern traits and liberal cultural values that make more sense in these contemporary times

It’s time to end the corporate takeover of our democracy. Corporate Super PACs should be banned and a clean public financing system should be implemented. We need to repeal Citizens United and publicly finance our elections. 

We must make it easier for Congress to legislate. That means we must find what to do with the filibuster and reform the Supreme Court.

Over 70% of congressional districts in America are deemed “safely Republican or safely Democrat” and do not have competitive general elections. We support bold reforms to provide voters an equal say in our democracy. This includes efforts to expand the House of Representatives and the Fair Representation Act to create multi-member districts and ranked-choice voting.

We also support the movement to provide city-statehood for Washington D.C. (like Singapore) and a referendum for Puerto Ricans to decide on independence or statehood.   Justice Democrats (except the city-state part that was my twist)

Liberal Democracy is now the same as or has become intertwined with Oligarchyism making the two inseparable, or that at best Liberal Democracy is open to abuse by Oligarchs. (and I am against Oligarchys) 

We must rid Liberal Democracy of Oligarchyism

Embrace Marxist egailararinism 

Marxist egalitarianism is about not caring about egalitarianism in the greater equality between classes sense since it is abstract and bourgeois. It would be empathy domestic

Marxist egalitarianism says that classlessness (and hierarchylessness) is not the subordination of our society to universal interests like the universal notion of equality. 

It is about creating conditions which enables individuals to pursue their desires and interests . Marxist egalitarianism says we need more concrete principles like opposition to exploitation on materialist grounds and economical logistics.

Democrats, support equal liberty and make sure that equal liberty rests on political, social and economic equality of opportunity. This principle of equal-liberty should be an 'open-ended horizon that allows for endless permutations and elaborations. 

Democrats, realize that Liberty (and its realization) is collective and thus share it instead of allowing it to be diminished and thus being  'only imaginable in the contest of the liberty of all', You should make that be accompanied also by furthering social and economic equality

Consider embracing views here on human rights

Frame rights around the POSITIVE (i.e sex positive) than the negative . Support such Positive rights (including conditionally supporting Sex positivity)

Realize that negative rights promote hierarchy and are about what people cannot do while allowing through that hierarchy power the permission to do things via rights

Positive rights like you should implement on the other hand, should be hierarchieless and be about what people CAN do. Make sure these positive rights don’t make distinctions between what is prevalent and what is outside the norm. Make them thus blur the line or even remove the line between what is and isn’t socially normal/acceptable by creating this streamlined, natural and smooth element to the concept of rights

Follow this advice by Liberal/Left mentioned in The Guardian which is to move away from the distractions of culture war battles and instead fight the real battles over class and economic issues." Embrace the views in this post by me to move you in that direction

Embrace my line of thought about morality here and embrace my line of thought about good vs evil here

Embrace and advance grass-roots empowerment and e-democracy, and direct democracy. The more hands on Americans are with politics, the more this idea from Mark Twain can be realized (which you should push for):

“Moral evolution can happen many times apart of the government/state and relations between people can emerge with freedom from the government/state. Most relationships in life should not be characterized as conflict as the left and right might have it. It's good to have mutual and humane respect for others as individuals.   It's also good to do positive and unselfish things without having to grapple with the political ramifications of doing those positive things.  “


Follow this blueprint on idpol to transform the Democrat Party leftward from liberalism just like the Democrat party was transformed liberalward from right wing land in the 1960s/1970s

Idpol in South America leftist politics is pretty good and sort of based so have that type of idpol replace Democrat party/ US idpol

Have the Democrat party use media and communication to disrupt privilege, build trust, and strengthen movements for social justice (by my definition). Also create groups to study threats to these movements, and to give advice on how to contain the spread of anti-Blackness, real white supremacy, and inequity.

Sadly, humans on Earth are said to be at least a bit biased by nature, and the Democrats should use Left Libertarian Fordism like soma/Democrat Anarcho Transhumanism to fix this by implanting things into humans to remove their biases so our planet can officially and finally be cured of their bigotry forever . Blame nature change nature 

Moreover, if that Anti racist baby book to literally fully stop whites in particular at near birth from being racist forever (like an Anti racism vaxx), I would rationalize the Democrat party using that Anti racist baby book to give to newborn babies. This way there would be less division in our world. But you'd have to find a non statist and non authoritarian way to do so

Think of the two above examples (and other examples throughout my blog like using a economically egalitarianism and creating a society without hierarchies, patriarchies, classes, government, reprogramming bigots etc) as ‘social engineering’ (to instill a resistance to/immunity from being discriminatory against really any identity groups on Earth) in people at a very early age so there would be no reason to need to have wokeness, identity politics, hate crime laws, affirmative action etc since through these changes no one would want to do that stuff ever

Keep this in mind, this in mind , thisthis and this in mind (the former is from the CPUSA), this in mind (by Ana Kasparian) on idpol/wokeness

Find a way to comprehend the problems, and accordingly use idpol in a better way to try to unify the working class even if you do not quite think about it like that

Make sure that mainstream idpol has a focus on class and class dynamics, and use more emphasis on that. (class warfare makes things happen). Otherwise idpol becomes counter productive wokeness: “Wokeness is a bourgeoisie moral revolution” - Wesley Yang

Once we eliminate poverty, give support and opportunities so that all citizens will be and feel happy, safe with access to higher education and different resources will make population more tolerant and acceptable. 

Because a lot of bigots like xenophobes come from fear of losing current normality and become even more vulnerable (financial vulnerability is number one) . 

Countries with a high level of living are more tolerant and accepting of every member of their society. I don’t see how two of those positions can contradict.  

Everyone is doing that can, we can care for class interests, sex, nature, rights and put effort from voting to overthrowing the state. As communists say” from everyone from their powers to everyone for their need”

This way people won’t be divided by classes or hierarchies since the sources of those classes and hierarchies (Capitalism,  the state props and state itself) will be destroyed

On a related and more pragmatic note,  let’s face it, the majority of working class people in the world are conservatives. That’s just the truth. How do we win people over to left wing economics? By us providing a viable economic program as an alternative to capitalism (and not by us labeling half of the US as “fascists” and throwing them under the bus). 

How you Democrats engage with them is the question at hand, and Democrats/Liberals/Leftists like us don’t really have knowledge on how to do that. At the end of the day, people only want an economic system that works for them and a state that respects their personal beliefs, as opposed to imposing alien ones.

A socialist-communist state you Democrats create will have to bite the bullet and accommodate and respect such traditions and values to a certain degree (in fact, every socialist state in history have done so). Otherwise any revolution will be doomed.

When left to our own devices, people will somehow, magically, 'do the right thing’

Seeing all identities as equalized and normalized will prevent bigotry since no one will be able to see differences that would lead them to be bigoted in the first place, see this meme for more

Plus, this world as mentioned above would help more people get economic opportunities  and give their lives positive meaning (see Kibbutz for one example).  

Thus people won’t end up like this former liberal in such a utopia. This is because on the social level, the reappropriation of life, in addition to its full reappropriation on the individual level, people will have stopped identifying essentially in terms of our social identities.

If after this there is still god forbid, division , hostility and resentment after the above changes ,then I would support Pan Secessionism . 

Pan Secessionism would be a unique way to unite persons if the above changes won’t work, see this for more. There is a case to be made that targets of hostility, resentment and especially violence would way more easily be able to relocate to escape such hostility, resentment and especially violence in a more localist world (though obviously as mentioned above they ideally should not need to do that)

I feel that the philosophy and wisdom of stoics such as Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, Seneca, etc might, at least in theory be beneficial for the worldview of you Democrats after I move ya'll leftward to become left wing. See here for more


Embrace these views on solidarity  

Our concern ideally should really be the material needs of the masses, not the interpersonal implicit biases that could informally live within our subconsciouses that we are either tasked with purging like some sort of sinful inclination, or nurse in the interest of fetishized "marginalized groups," which is what the majority of intersectionalists actually advocate for basically. Also keep this in mind and this in mind about Intersectionality 

The common enemy is and should be capitalism, even if they don't recognize it as such. At worst, use Intersectionality as it was originally which is in line with Marxist beliefs, prior to the way it was before it was ripped away and co-opted by Liberal 2.0ers.

Oppose Rectification


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