Democrat party platform 1 economics

Democrat party platform 1 economics

Embrace Anarcho Autonomous Radical Democratic Syndicalism using the Podemos (Spain) cultural political machine model (i.e Autonomous Radical Democracy as the Dotp/Anarcho Syndicalism and a Podemos (Spain) type of cultural vanguard party both as the vanguard)/ Homeless Left type of society including Inclusive Democracy and Progressive Utilization Theory (which would include this economic zone, this economic zone)


Embrace 'Libertarian Communism'/Distributist Libertarianism (with a touch of this)/Social Credit /Modern China type of economy (i.e Chinese Marxism i.e Post Dengist/Socialist Market economy China)-Xi Jinping SocDem/

Become influenced by Trotskyist ideas

Embrace kantian type of Anarchism (like post Kantian Speculative realism) and this type of Anarchism

Since like me you Democrats are deeply concerned about patriarchy you have to understand how patriarchy intersects with capitalism. We need to abolish Capitalism and to embrace left wing economics to destroy and abolish the patriarchy. This is why you Democrats should embrace my left wing views on economics. You have to realize that patriarchy and traditional gender roles are evil manifestations of involuntary coercive hierarchy and that the struggle against patriarchy is an essential part of class conflict and the struggle against the state and capitalism

If feminism doesn't overcome Neoliberalism and Capitalism and break down the patriarchal system, it is incomplete and futile. We need to change the model of our system for people of all sexes/genders instead of having institutional parity for women. Socialism liberates women just as much as feminism

That is much better than parity and liberal feminism which gives women a false sense of equality and cause feminists to get complacent. 

If we do not change the model of accumulation, generation of wealth, how we distribute wealth, the value of work and abolish the patriarchal system, we will not have justice and true equality for women. The oppression of women is directly caused and reinforced by Capitalism in order to increase the exploitation of the working class.  

Don't embrace Bourgeois Feminism at all, because even with Bourgeois Feminism, women Capitalists are oppressing the working women just as much as the males do. Take issue with and counter the Radical Feminists idea that the social status of women is somehow linked to their innate biological qualities, you must believe it is the direct product of the class society.

Ideally before we usher in our socioeconomic Left wing society we would need to first establish an industrialist capital esque republic and get rid of the anti industrial, anti techno monteraist dictators of the US and their Rockefeller- D Koch oligarchy overlords :  "A full maturation of capitalism is the precondition for a socialist realization" Karl Marx . "Capitalism, as a result of its own inner contradictions, moves toward a point when it will be unbalanced, when it will simply become impossible”  Rosa Luxemburg 

So support a socialist re-industrialization that is mixed with confiscatory taxes on investment that is both wasteful and parasitic. Also support a temporary techno singular managed , post statist democracy until we reign in a left wing society

At minimum/ before we do all the above (or even after we do it): 

Democrats you should embrace my left wing socioeconomic views above since they are the proper and natural extension of Classical Liberalism into the era of advanced industrial society. This classical liberalism fills the previous big hole of classical liberalism with goodness

Abolish Capitalism and Neoliberalism. Until then or if you won't abolish Neoliberalism, at worst embrace this type of Neoliberalism and or Syrzia alter Neoliberalism

See some Breadtube reasons to do so here and here (What's Wrong with Capitalism by Contrapoints), here (K Marx part 2 Capitalism's consequences by PhilosphyTube), here (Work (or, the 5 jobs I had before YouTube)  Philosophy Tube), here (Human Nature and Socialism by ThoughtSlime), here (Explaining stuff about Socialism that confuses you (WATCH THIS, L I B E R A L) - Socialism 101) , here (SOCIALISM: An In-Depth Explanation)

Support Medicare, unions and government involvement in the market and aim for a smaller and smaller state until we are ready to abolish the state

Embrace this moderate B Sanderism type of pragmatic ideology and implement policies based off of that . Create close coalitions with said group

Make sure to embrace the notion that economics exists to serve humans and that humans don't exist to serve economics.

Have the Democrats implement the method that Ross Perot used here to tear down the system that maintains class segregation in the US, albeit on state levels until we get into our left wing socioeconomic society which will abolish classes altogether.

Consider strategic over-regulation on instututions that is literally like a well oiled machine in some cases where there is benefits in doing so

Nationalize the Federal Reserve but at minimum audit the Federal Reserve (until we removal of the Federal Reserve or removal of it from power and either bring back the gold standard or reinstate the U.S. Treasury as the controller of fiscal policy in America)

Support raising the raising of the budget ceiling and debt limit in our current capitalistic economy

I must make a distinction between policies that merely seek to raise living standards and increase demand versus policies that really work to increase normal people's power in the political and economic realm. 

I feel that UBI comes from a cynical acceptance that the modern market system creates inequality to the point that it turns into a threat to political stability and literally damages the economy from a lack of demand. 

UBI is attempting to preserve the system and UBI does this by supplanting would be organized labor and political movements whose aim is to actually make the federal government assert itself back into the economy and therefore decrease the capitalists’ power. Moreover, keep in mind that this UBI cash would come out of our taxes and appreciate that the proportion of tax avoidance by the ultra wealthy is to the point that this could perhaps actually be a regressive policy.

UBI is really only a crutch to prolong unsustainable consumerism a little while longer. Eventually it will end up in the pockets of the super rich anyway, who pay extremely small tax. Over time, it will get devalued and require consistent work to keep it on the same page with inflation (like minimum wage). 

So the Democrat Party should expend that energy instead by building an economic system which does not put people in the situation of needing UBI in the first place

Until we get into a left wing socioeconomic society and if we can't build that above economic system, then the Democrat party should consider embracing and implementing a TANF emergency funds co op (which would be different than the current TANF emergency funds model) with Bull moose party social insurance and then implementing a type of Universal Basic Income that is like the UBI in Alaska as noted here in Reason   

The welfare model here would match Five Star Movement’s welfare platform: including welfare expansion, environmental protection, and market regulation, where the welfare expansion means the expansion of public social services but excludes education, environmental protection meant policies in favor of preserving/conserving the environment, along with market regulation meant policies designed to create an equitable and open economic market

Like Liz Warren, the Democrat Party should realize that until we are out of our current static capitalistic society and can’t get Medicare for All passed, we should this below

The Democrats should use the Australia inspired public option model for the US but with a change to eventually guide us to a NHS UK type state run healthcare model before we abolish the state

If you are one of those people (like a worker, and or young and or healthy etc) who doesn’t need expensive private insurance you can receive quality , health care (via a free trial model) using a healthcare version of the bad bank model , fused with this healthcare model and a voluntarist peer to peer model

However, if you like your private insurance, you’re financially secure, you have specific needs that aren’t covered by the plan above, or you simply don’t trust the healthcare plan above, then you have every right to keep your private insurance. 

This plan would disassociate health from employment which is good because healthcare should not be a factor in picking the right job, (my dad was forced to keep his job to get us quality healthcare and that should not be the case for workers), and incentivize regulators to negotiate transparent and affordable drug and treatment prices, prioritizing people over big Pharma. 

I believe the “Medicare for All Who Want It with a change” model reflects where Americans are and if our country does a better job delivering healthcare than the private providers deliver, we could ultimately shift to a certain type of single payer system

Then I’d like to see the US implement a post statist-early mid 1920s to early mid 1930s Social Democracy transitional healthcare system .

This transitional healthcare system would include compulsory healthcare for private employees and their family members fused with Big Medicine healthcare-Single payer healthcare (that is publicly subsidized) then incrementally or gradually move toward a nationalized, free medical healthcare system 

This transitional healthcare system would at least give off an appearance of autonomy and in the name of medical improvement and civic liberty, the state would control peoples health during their lifetime to keep as many people as possible in good health to create a truly healthy and spiritual nation (an emphasis on fitness and peak health)

This healthcare system (and upgrades to that system) that I want the Democrat party to support are similar to that healthcare system of the UK government that they have had (and made) since the leadership of Tony Blair 

Then I would want us to implement state controlled, NHS like healthcare (with privatization) in the US like they have in the UK (until we abolish the government). In particular with clinical commissioning groups to replace our health care (with  Social Care Act 2012 elements) 

This American version of the NHS healthcare (with privatization) model would through medical improvement and civic liberty, the state would guide (in a non intrusive way) peoples health during their lifetime to keep as many people as possible in good health to create a truly healthy and spiritual nation    

It would be ideal if people had to earn it Starship Troopers style i.e by doing something for the community or through mutual aide (but certainly not a deal breaker as long as the nationalized healthcare is innovative)

For non essential health and medical things along with cosmetic surgeries I can live with private and consumer driven social insurance policies (but so that people who don't need it don't get it) 

There would be a Nationalized Affordable Healthcare act for non essential health and medical things along with cosmetic surgeries that border on being essential health -medical things and cosmetic surgeries. Plus this would offer free reeducation for radical right wing people

Make all healthcare free for children 2 and 4 years of age and children between 9 and 24 months to help prevent child morality

At minimum have the Democrat party implement schooling co-ops 

Until we reach a left wing socioeconomic society, 


Have the Democrats implement free schooling very ideally if it can be done with government nudging (Libertarian Paternalism type of nudging) or through indirect government action (like an Academies Act that makes it possible for parents, teachers, charities and businesses to set up and run their own schools or public trust fund by Americans free of government influence)

Under this system, have the Democrat party make sure that students would have to have a job like selling lemonade at a lemonade stand , selling cookies door to door or similar light ‘kids jobs’ a few hours a week to make up for their free education .  If that is impractical then have the Democrat party expanded work based learning systems (middle school and high school students) so they are prepared for life after high school/college/grad school and since it adds more work for them in school sort of making up for them being deprived of working more hours in school


If the Democrat Party is feeling more daring, then have them just implement free education to all who qualify along with giving working students one paid week before every major examination. The students themselves in this system would need to use toy money to in a light hearted way ‘pay’ for their schooling. 

We need to create more worker marches to show appreciation to our country's workers. Maybe when workers of all race-ethnicities are united in their jobs and there is no more class conflict, this can happen. See this post for more

Ditch the concept of bedtimes to further improve workers' rights

"Housing As A Human Right

We must support measures that keep the cost of rent from skyrocketing and protect the rights of tenants. We must invest in public housing, enforce fair housing standards, and ensure equitable zoning." Justice Democrats. This is one way to solve the homeless crisis

Create more ‘home like’ homeless shelters including via residential neighborhood tracks of such shelters where homeless can live more autonomously and privately (and ‘home like’) since housing being determined by one’s ability to pay seems to some as a flawed system 

Draw up and pass a new Build Back Better that is like the rejected one Joe Biden tried to pass but amended to either reduce the number of years


Draw up and pass a Build Back Better that reflects my combined socioeconomic views my blogs but especially a Build Back Better with infrastructure development that also has indirect incentives including tax reductions with more direct funding in road, rail and other transportation projects. Like a Build Back better with that is more centrally to fix deteriorating highways and create new Interstate Highways based on some European highway systems

Raise the minimum wage to 20 dollars an hour or 25 dollars an hour and or take into account these ideas on minimum wage here

Secure a Living Wage "Over the past several decades, the cost of living has increased significantly while workers’ wages have remained relatively stagnant. While CEO’s compensation soars, most workers’ wages aren’t even keeping up with inflation and affordable housing remains out of reach. We must secure a minimum wage of at least $15 that’s tied to inflation."  Justice Democrats

Many jobs require a degree, which requires taking on tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars of student loan debt, but the promise of higher pay has failed recent graduates. We are doing a huge disservice to college graduates who can’t pursue their chosen career out of fear of not making enough money to cover monthly student loan debt payments. It’s time to close the racial and class disparities that exist in higher education by canceling student loan debt (Justice Democrats)

One way to do so would be to do the ideas expressed in this post, in this post (and screenshot in it), this post, this post, this post, this post (from Quora)


The fastest way is to allow student debt to be discharged with the worst case scenario a chapter 13 over 5 years. Then, put limits on how much universities can charge, along with rules about refunding tuition to those who didn't finish. But the student debt can disappear just as easily as credit card and medical debt tomorrow, and nobody has to give out free money to the future PMCs with those fancy degrees.


Another way to do student loan forgiveness would be to make the terms of student loan debt forgiveness like this:

The obligation to repay those student loans being laid upon the colleges that gave those students all those degrees or if the student loans were taxable and taxed by the IRS. 

The banking institutions would also need to be authorized to foreclose on those institutions of higher learning that can't repay and liquidate them. It would have a salutary effect upon American higher education. Then the whole federal loan program should be repealed and liquidated once and for all

Or another way to do student loan forgiveness would be to

Implement The Responsible Education Assistant through Reforms Act

But we should strive to make college and trade schools free so students don’t need to take out student loans in the first place

Create a tax in foreign gasoline for Americans to force us to be transition to electrical vehicles and to become green energy independent. But other than that, cut taxes and preserve equality

Have the Democrat Party affirm that there has been a socioeconomic usurption by American politicians who usurped their constitutional authority. Make the Democrats realize that hese politicians substitute their economic and political sovereignty for the people's economic and constitutional authority and that is wrong. 

Further instill upon the Democrat Party that this socioeconomic usurption by these corrupt and selfish politicians is accomplished when they create a huge public service sector that operates in their own self interest and the interests of big business and social advocacy groups to the detriment of the middle class, workers and the apolitical rich people. Hopefully the Democrats then realize that this puts our nation's security in jeopardy while this happens.

The Democrat party must become aware of the fact that said socioeconomic usurption has caused our (America's) economic decline and dwindling international power.  Get the Democrat party to prevent this sociofiscal usurption by putting politicians in office who represent us and not themselves or their self interests so that we are able to counter this sociofiscal corruption in our government

Prevent economic exploitation 

Venerate the Left Wing freed market entrepreneur model fused with worker co-ops (like this)  and the Marxist alternatives to small businesses and keep them from dying out at the hands of corporations. Become pro labor

Support and encourage personal savings and thrift.

Support rural populations getting their fair share and use Agrarian Socialism to help them get their fair share. Also support Farm Aid

Make the Democrats and the US become affluent like the early hunter gatherers were affluent. The early hunter gatherers were affluent and were not savages as is often falsely claimed. That is the type of ‘affluence’ I want our future socialistic egalitarian inclusive utopias and the Democrats should use that to guide us in that direction

Kinship-oriented societies are good because they value social harmony more than wealth or status. These cultures are much more ideal than economically oriented cultures (including states) where status and material wealth are prized, and stratification, competition, and conflict are commonplace. 

Kinship-oriented cultures actively try to prevent social hierarchies from developing because they see such stratification as leading to conflict and instability. Reciprocal altruism is one process by which they use to accomplish this.

Kinship-oriented cultures provide a model for a future socialistic egalitarian inclusive society that the Democrats should embrace and push for

Rich people should be encouraged by the Democrat party to marry common people but if they do not they then should be taxed more than AOC wants them taxed now . 

It’s time for a comprehensive tax system that benefits working people and ensures the top 1%, Wall Street, and large corporations pay their fair share. (Justice Democrats)

Have the Democrat party realize and draw off of the fact that it is lamentable to see the plight of the inner city where there is stagnation, poverty, crime, and the lack of real opportunity which still affects so many BIPOC etc. But at the same time , have the Democrat party help all poor people of all backgrounds and leave no one behind to truly defeat poverty

Have the Democrat party push for rich people to side with the non rich over the rich. That is more important than what political party they are. For example, maybe the poc caucuses in the Democrat party and Democratic Socialists of America party can encourage rags to riches poc to share their riches/wealth with poor and working class poc by embracing and promoting black unity. At the very least the Democrat Party and Democratic Socialists of America party should make sure that the poc landlords do not put their poc tenants in the street

Consider embracing and promoting intuitive class struggle, class analysis and class consolidation

"Americans have lost millions of jobs due to unfair trade deals. It’s time to end the race to the bottom and renegotiate these rigged deals that only benefit the elite. Multinational corporations should not possess the power to dictate laws for the United States. We need to eliminate incentives for multinational corporations to outsource jobs overseas and prioritize strong labor, environmental and human rights standards for all trade agreements. Our trade deals should focus on lifting up workers across the world and toward a common agenda of tackling the global crisis."  Justice Democrats

"Transitioning every building, home, and mode of transportation to 100% green energy will create millions of good-paying jobs. Our nation can grant a job to every American who wants one. The climate crisis requires a massive jobs program A federal jobs guarantee program  would establish a baseline for wages and benefits for the nation’s workforce. The program would provide a baseline minimum wage of at least $15 an hour. By investing in our own workforce, we can lift thousands of American families out of poverty and help people re-enter the workforce, doing the work that needs to be done to build a better future." Justice Democrats

"Now is the time for a comprehensive, once-in-a-generation mobilization that prioritizes front-line communities, combats the climate crisis, and creates millions of good-paying union jobs. A Green New Deal will transition away from fossil fuels and dramatically expand existing renewable power sources with the goal of meeting 100% of national power demand through renewable sources. A Green New Deal also provides people across the country with the opportunity, training and education needed to participate fully and equally in a green economy, offering jobs to help rebuild our crumbling infrastructure. A Green New Deal ensures a just transition for all workers, low-income communities, communities of color, and indigenous communities." Justice Democrats

Employ wariness of economic libertarian free trade


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