Republican party platform 1 race-ethnicity

 Republican party platform 1 race-ethnicity 

Embrace ideas from Republican Frederick Douglas, Harriet Tubman, Dr Thomas Sowell and Burgess Owens  Like embrace Frederick Douglas's ideas on black communal self-help though African Americans cannot fight for equality alone, nobody can so some balance is needed in your outlooks

Embrace, promote and implement Multi racial working class solidarity, like Down Home North Carolina is doing, as mentioned here (though if that doesn't work then settle for regular class solidarity). The Republican party have to attract multiracial working-class voters to our new left wing cause. Also consider embracing and promoting/implementing class redux or this class-race balance

At minimum Republicans, please understand that fact in order to win over the masses, you have to pay special consideration to workers who face super exploitation such as African American workers and BIPOC workers

In his book Toward Soviet America, William Z Foster writes, “The capitalist class not only robs the workers as a whole, but it visits special exploitation upon those sections of the working class — Negroes, foreign-born, women, youth, the aged, etc. — who, for one reason or another, are the least able to defend themselves in the class struggle.” From the early days of left wing socioeconomic history, our leaders understood the relationship between class and special oppression."

Republicans please realize that the system of white supremacy is a cross class alliance between rich whites and working class whites.  Thus seek to end this alliance and abolish those classes

The Aristocrat class/PMC in the US sadly is mostly made up of whites. In the French Revolution the left abolished the Aristocracy, so we should abolish all classes and create a classless society, this way we will luckily abolish the Aristocrat class/PMC and as a consequence with that, all classes thus removing this aristocracy/PMC of mostly whites

But according to Afro Pessimism we may need more the above changes to truly emancipate blacks and give them and BIPOC in general true equality. Because according to Afro Pessimism  argue that the master/slave relation cannot be analogized with the capitalist/worker relation. So read this and follow its advice if the socioeconomic changes don't work to bring egalitarianism 

Keep an open mind to going along with the White Supremacy Act of 2023 (if for no other reason to prevent more statist and authoritarian laws from being implemented in its place)

Reject the Crown Act and overturn the Crown Act in each state that it was implemented in

Embrace Afro Pessimism which includes moving away from the Black/ white binary and reframing it as Black/non-Black

But this type of Afro Pessimism the Republican party should embrace should be less rigid which can be done by it incorporating some concept of unity/textbook black unity to not be so anti solidaritiac .

This type of Afro Pessimism the Republican party should embrace should use the “Aimé Césaire’s model which illustrates just how ingrained the cultural exceptionalism of Europe was (is) in many intellectuals’ minds, and just how necessary it was (is) to counter such exceptionalism with a ‘thin’ essentialism of one’s own – even if this expression is mainly poetic. 

Whereas the Afro Pessimism essentialism retreats from the realm of politics, the essentialism of the Césaire’s surrealism that the Republicans should embrace should take racism and colonialism head on. This ‘strategic essentialism’ – a positivist essentialism that the Republicans should use to be critical of the ontological idea, while the Republicans should then make use of it for specific political purposes – to represent something quite different than the ‘thick’ ontological Blackness of the Afro Pessimism, who have no political strategy whatsoever! 

Nonetheless, we must remember that the emphasis in strategic essentialism is on political action for the Republican Party; while Césaire focused on achieving the deconstruction of essentialism through poetry and art, we must move beyond the realm of artistic expression and posit a concept of Blackness aimed at the revolutionary transformation of existing social relations.

This type of Afro Pessimism that the Republicans should embrace should follow Jared Sexton and fuse some of Fred Moten’s Black Optimism/Black Operation ideas into Afro Pessimism to improve the theory i.e to use the existence of poc as a living death instead of a social death which rigid Afro Pessimism uses in its theory (see here for more)

Jared Sexton fused some of Fred Moten’s Black Optimism/Black Operation ideas into Afro Pessimism to improve the theory “A living death is as much a death as it is living. Nothing in Afro-pessimism suggests that there is no black (social) life, only that black life is not social life in the universe formed by the codes of state and civil society, of citizen and subject, of nation and culture, of people and place, of history and heritage, of all the things that colonial society has in common with the colonised, of all the things that capital has in common with labour – the modern world system.”

Our type of Afro Pessimism should work in some ideas from the Black Panthers by going beyond Afro Pessimism exceptionalism and instead embracing the Black Panthers' form of exceptionalism (or ideally not using exceptionalism at all, the Black Panthers weren't known for their exceptionalism except in some ways as noted in that link above)

This includes embracing some as-semblance of international and class solidarity since like the Black Panthers our poc rights advocacy groups should at least try to aim rightfully to create ties with other groups across the world as opposed to normal Afro Pessimism which is too pessimistic and rigid 

Republicans please realize that while CRT like legal liberalism examines issues of race, racism, and equality by focusing on the exclusion and marginalization of those subjects and bodies marked as different and/or inferior there is disadvantages to this approach. 

The disadvantage of this approach and the reason you shouldn't embrace it is that the proposed remedies and correctives to the problem like inclusion, protection, and greater access of opportunity—don’t ultimately challenge the economy of racial production or its truth claims or interrogate the exclusions constitutive of the norm but instead seek to gain equality, liberation, and redress within its confines.

Instead I want you Republicans to implement an Afro Pessimism policy that stages a metacritique of the current discourse that is identified as “critical theory” by excavating an antagonism that exceeds it. This means to recognize this antagonism forces a mode of death that expels subjecthood and forces objecthood (upon Blacks).

Realize that after you embrace my left wing socioeconomic views that the CRT is contrary to such left wing socioeconomic views such as Marxism. This is because the CRT is contrary to historical-dialectical materialism (historical-dialectical materialism is a core tenant of Marxism). 

Realize what you Republicans falsely call 'liberal segregation' is something different than that, see here for how

Reject anti racism and instead be non racist 

If you do insist on embracing antiracism and or as a counter to the Democrat Party antiracism (if and only if the Democrat party rejects my leftward platforms for them), then only use a form of antiracism that does NOT misconstrued the enemy as white supremacy. Use a true anti-racist policies that goes deeper and engage the legacy of modernity itself. (I support the Fourth Political Theory which does just that, critique modernity). Also keep this in mind if you go ahead and implement Antiracism policies 

Also: "In combating racism we do not make progress if we combat the people themselves. We have to combat the causes of racism.... Many people lose energy and effort combating shadows. We have to combat the material reality that produces the shadow” Amilcar Cabral

Republicans, please realize that racism is a liberal Eurocentric and imperialist ideology and thus naturally racism is wrong and evil. Realize and promote the fact that racism is an erroneous ideology by using what I wrote above on it as a guide to counter it better

Afro Pessimism talks about things like how modernity defined human subjectivity through its constitutive exclusion of black people--(understood and ontologized as slaves). 

Though slavery existed at several historical periods and in different geographical locations, the paradigmatic slave for Europeans came to be identified exclusively with blacks. 

The Middle Passage ontologically changed African lives in a way that even exceeded the existential imprints left by the Shoah: Jews went into Auschwitz and came out as Jews, Africans went into the ships and came out as Blacks. The latter is a Human and a metaphysical holo caust. 

According to an Afro Pessimism scholar   "That is why it makes little sense to attempt analogy: the Jews have the Dead (the Muselmann) among them; the Dead have the Blacks among them" . Though this post a good counter to that

Possibly use the Black Liberation Army playbook to create equality that Afro Pessimism seeks (to end anti blackness and whiteness)

This is due to the potential for a catastrophe of human arrangements writ large . Like because to Afro Pessimists the political violence of the Black Liberation Army far outpaced the anti-capitalist and internationalist discourse

According to Saidiya Hartman “A Black revolution makes everyone freer than they actually want to be.” A Marxist revolution however, blows the lid off of economic relations; a feminist revolution blows the lid off patriarchal relations; a Black revolution blows the lid off the unconscious and relations writ large.

Also negate the negation as Afro Pessimism says as a last resort to tear down anti blackness and anti black racist structures to create nuclear true equality

Use Afro Pessimism to come up with ideas on crime and how to increase justice and end injustice , like this blurb for example; “ Afro-pessimism can also be used to critique prevalent liberal discourses around community, accountability, innocence, and justice. Such notions sit upon anti-Black foundations and only go so far as to reconfigure, rather than abolish, the institutions that produce, control, and murder Black subjects.

Take for example the appeal to innocence and demand for accountability, too frequently launched when someone Black is killed by police. The discourse of innocence operates within a binary of innocent/ guilty, which is founded on the belief that there is an ultimate fairness to the system and presumes the state to be the protector of all. 

This fails to understand the state’s fundamental investment in self-preservation, which is indivisible from white supremacy and the interests of capital. 

The discourse goes that if someone innocent is killed, an individual (the villainous cop) must be held accountable as a solution to this so-called injustice. The structural reality of anti-Black violence is completely obfuscated and justice is mistook as a concept independent from anti-Blackness. 

Discrimination is indeed tragic, but systematic dispossession and murder is designedly more—it is the justice system—and no amount of imprisoned cops, body cameras or citizen review boards will eliminate this.”

Given the ongoing accumulation of Black death at the hands of the police—even despite increased visibility in recent years—it becomes apparent that a Black person on the street today faces open vulnerability to violence just as the slave did on the plantation. 

That there has recently been such an increase in media coverage and yet little decrease in murder reveals the ease with which anti-Black violence can be ignored by white society; at the same time this reveals that when one is Black one needn’t do anything to be targeted, as Blackness itself is criminalized (this balances my views that the police issue is a class and mentally disabled person issue)

Afro Pessimism points out how the state kills and contains Black bodies but it also turns the spotlight on other culprits who contribute to anti blackness; the left “the left kills and contains Black desire, erases Black cognitive maps that explain the singularity of Black suffering, and, most of all, fatally constricts the horizon of Black liberation.” 

No CRT or 1619 project in schools k-9

Promote and encourage teaching about the history of prejudice in Social Studies classes, with specific examples about the fascists in 1930s and 1940s Germany (including Diary of Anne Franke) and the slavery in the Old South along with contrasting that with modern examples of prejudice students see in their every day lives personally would be far more effective than teaching the CRT

At minimum make sure that black history is incorporated into US education. In history classes for example encourage students to be taught about Pedro Alonzo Nino who was a poc who sailed with Christopher Columbus as a navigator on Columbus's voyage to the Americas.  

Encourage history classes to teach students about Chrispus Attucks who was a poc and fought for the US in the American Revolution.  Attucks was the first poc soldier to die in a war. Peter Salem is another poc who should be taught in history classes in schools, he was a poc who was a war hero at Bunker Hill

Other poc historical figures who should be taught in school history classes include Dr Daniel Hale Williams poc who performed the first open heart surgery in the US) and the poc person helped discover the North Pole

If poc didn't read history books from white perspective they would never have dug further to find black history in other places to push for those changes in school curriculums  

School is not perfect but students should salvage and use whatever good they learn from school for good

Through new laws, prevent the government from falsely and wrongly smearing parents who harass, argue or go after teachers at school board meetings as domestic terrorists and terrorists. 

Consider creating and implementing the CRT inspired African Americans 'antiracist' council OR a Civil Rights Congress as a last resort if the poc policies in this platform don't work (as more as a kitchen sink idea)

Create Black Anarchism caucuses within the Republican Party that embrace at their core the truth that Black culture is oppositional and always about finding creative ways to resist oppression. That Black Anarchism is not so tied to the color of their skin but who they are as people, as people who can resist, who see things differently when they are stuck and thus live differently, hence my reasons for supporting Black Anarchism   
As great as Black Anarchism is, Patricia Hill Collin's Black Feminist standpoint theory , which is used to extend Black Anarchism into intersectional coalitions by using black women's "oppositional consciousness” at the center of such coalitional politics has limits so have the Republicans recognize this. 

Have the Republican party use Afro Pessimism to provide a better way to solve those shortcomings of the Black Feminist standpoint theory and its inability to go trajectory beyond intersectional identity ,as mentioned here 

Have the Republican party get racial justice groups to make this type of Afro Pessimism thinking become the core of their movements: 

"On racial justice protests according to Afro Pessimism “ Afro-pessimism can also be used to critique prevalent liberal discourses around community, accountability, innocence, and justice. Such notions sit upon anti-Black foundations and only go so far as to reconfigure, rather than abolish, the institutions that produce, control, and murder Black subjects.

Take for example the appeal to innocence and demand for accountability, too frequently launched when someone Black is killed by police. The discourse of innocence operates within a binary of innocent/ guilty, which is founded on the belief that there is an ultimate fairness to the system and presumes the state to be the protector of all. 

This fails to understand the state’s fundamental investment in self-preservation, which is indivisible from white supremacy and the interests of capital. The discourse goes that if someone innocent is killed, an individual (the villainous cop) must be held accountable as a solution to this so-called injustice. The structural reality of anti-Black violence is completely obfuscated and justice is mistook as a concept independent from anti-Blackness. 

Discrimination is indeed tragic, but systematic dispossession and murder is designedly more—it is the justice system—and no amount of imprisoned cops, body cameras or citizen review boards will eliminate this.”

Republicans embrace the views from the video by Jacobin titled "The Absurdity of “White Supremacy Culture”

For Affirmative Action embrace Mediations of a Moderate’s views on Affirmative Action or positive action or the type of Affirmative Action that instead of merely acting on non-discrimination passively (like.saying "this job is open to any applicant," but making no real efforts to find minority applicants), or using quota like systems,  jobs instead actively take definite actions to find applicants from minorities without delving into quota territory.  

Or try this outside the box idea: Expand racial bias training. If racial bias training doesn't eliminate the need for Affirmative Action than scrap Racial bias training. If it does eliminate the need for Affirmative Action and there is no discrimination in hiring anymore, then keep racial bias training and put Affirmative Action on a short line to be phased out

Do not be an empathetic ally of blacks as that position only reinforces the racial hierarchy. Instead be an enemy of  ‘ white ness’    (and lovingly fight alongside friends) . But per Afro Pessimism deemphasize anti whiteness and focus on anti anti blackness in reducing racial agitation and bigotry

Republicans use this as a guide when you think about reparations 

Keep being vigilant about and keep fighting against racial guilt


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