Republican party platform 1 military and internationalism general

 Republican party platform 1 military and internationalism general

Get the US government to drop all charges against Julian Assange and Edward Snowden (or at worst pardon them). Get the US government to apologize to both of them for wrongly going after them . See here for more

Become Mark Twain-Zell Miller type of anti war (Lockean love of liberty and anti government with touches of a Zell Miller antiwar’ streak in me). We need end the practice of endless wars  . The only war the Republican party should embrace ideally should be class war 

Become watchdogs and critics of the US National Security State but do not be like Glenn Greenwald, Max Blumenthal, Julian Asange etc (i.e do not, after saying the US National Security State does some bad things [which they do], then follow that line of thinking with the myth and nonsense view that Vladimir Putin must be a ‘stand-up good guy’ because he rightfully opposes it. Do not to fall into that trap). 

So make the Republican party become a Robert Wright type of watchdog and critic of the US National Security state instead of a Glenn Greenwald, Max Blumenthal, Julian Asange type watchdog and critic of it

Stop the US from putting pride colors on military weapons like drones

Get the military to allow military people to transfer to any military base they want for whatever reason, including to be in a blue pro choice, pro LGBTQ state instead of a red pro life anti LGBTQ state or to be in a pro choice, free country instead of a non pro choice, not so free country like Germany which bans abortion after 12 weeks or gestation

Eventually abolish our military along with abolishing the state and police state. This is because militarizes are naturally hierarchical. 

Then create a society with an anarchist defense that would rely on the broad participation of the people in resistance. In an stateless society we build , encourage and build the ground work for a volunteer militia that would spring up spontaneously when the society are attacked in order to defend themselves.

In the stateless society I want the Republican party to aim for, make sure that the very concept of "the" military, as a static structure that exists regardless of circumstances, is replaced by something that is much more fluid. 

Make sure that this would align with non-coercive, egalitarian consensus, instead of the usual meaning of "all against all"--were the organizing principle of global society, then warfare itself would be a thing of the past. 

In our future stateless society, make it so that in a village, commune, either there is no military or everyone is the military. Because we have to make sure that everyone would have a stake in the community's continued viability, so that everyone who is able would want to participate in the community’s defense in whatever way each is able, when defensive action is necessary. However, there wouldn't necessarily be a "standing army"

I sort of believe that in a stateless hierarchyless society we might still need generals and leaders like in the 1930s Manchuria and Korea

Thr State is dominated by the military-industrial complex and this is the largest threat for society's liberty and prosperity

Until we abolish the military, here is what we should be doing to get us to this post military utopia:

Push for the abolition of the war empire which includes ending the terror war, bringing home all the military personnel, and shutting at least all foreign bases. 

Call for a policy of armed neutrality in every conflict where the US is not directly attacked. 

Shift the non-corporatist defense transition and security services from the hands of the State to the market whenever and however practical, which includes more pro gun laws. 

Support and embrace peace and trade (to an extent) with all countries and alliances with zero except as noted in my blogs. 

It would be nice to create  a reduction of nukes. 

Reject non-defensive war versus State actors, and reject war as a vessel to pursue justice against non-state aggressors. Generally reject the first use of sanctions, since they are a form of siege and so an act of war. Reject corporation subsidy via taxpayer-funded security and intelligence stuff. Reject the State’s use of proxy entities to carry out any of those actions.

Become Anti Imperialism , Anti Colonialism,  non interventionist , anti globalization, anti globalism 

To ease into being non interventionist , embrace and implement Left Interventionism and Left Neoconservativism (like Vaush neoconservativism) with a touch of Woodrow Wilson doctrine like when there is a need for the completion of unity and both for the palingenesis of the political system (similar to 4pt) and the organization of the economic, legal and social system, for a profound change  


if there is an extremely obvious threat to other countries and Left Neoconservatives would support Left Neocon intervention. Keep in mind there is a vague connection between Left Neoconservatism and Trotskyism

This means between endure and go along with (holding your nose) for the US protecting Democracy in other countries and standing up to tyrants in other countries when your party perceives an obvious threat to those other countries. 

The rationalization is that is how the US was created and what it was founded on (people in the British ruled 13 colonies standing up to the British tyrants and fighting for the creation of our Democracy known as the US)

This way the US can promote self determination to other countries and non Liberal 2.0 democracy instead of Liberal 2.0ism

Consider using Isolationism over Imperialism, warmongering, unilateralism, Globalism , Globalization, Transnational Progressiveness etc. Or if not then embrace Strategic Autonomy 

Make the US make all of their territories become independent

Abolish NATO . Then create and implement this Anarchist alternative to NATO 

Abolish the Patriot Act and the Open Skies Treaty

Abolish FISA or at worst reform FISA so this doesn't happen again

Defund the NSA. But only after we get the NSA to break up the Proud Boys forever and to put all of those Proud Boy goons in prison where they belong. The NSA are our best weapon to destroy the Proud Boys once and for all. 

This can be done by getting the NSA to use non stop wireless surveillance on the Proud Boys to catch them in the act, expose them and thus aggressively dismantle the Proud Boys forever

The Proud Boys are dangerous because, unlike other hard right-radical right groups, the Proud Boys are covertly and snarkily white chauvinist and anti jewish, and if they are not fully dismantled even more bigoted groups than them will pick up that type of covert and snarky white chauvinism and anti jewishness which will then make it harder to prevent normalizing that garbage. The longer the Proud Boys are around the more our country goes to hell

If people can't compete on the front lines, they should learn to get tougher to overcome it, not have the standards lowered for them.


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