Republican party platform 1 LGBTQ issues

Republican party platform 1 LGBTQ issues 


Continue to support measures that promote fairness and balance protections for LGBTQ people and those with deeply held religious beliefs where all are equally happy as can be seen throughout my blogs. This might be easier than you think

Embrace this idea here.

Snippet below:

“One of the most amazing things about cisgender straight people is that most of them think they don’t have a sexual orientation or a gender identity. A major premise of Florida’s recently passed “Don’t Say Gay” bill is that children should be sheltered from discussions of sexual orientation, and in many ways, I, a queer mom married to a woman, actually agree with this. That also goes for gender identity too ― I think it would be amazing if schools stopped teaching gender as an innate expression stemming from what is in one’s pants. And I believe young children can learn all about love and family and different family structures without needing to have it framed in ways that are overly sexual or romantic. But that’s not how straight society likes to play.”

The ironic twist regarding this legislation is that mainstream straight culture enjoys aggressively (hetero) sexualizing young children in ways that, if LGBTQ people did it, we would be labeled perverts, extremists and child abusers. And yet heterosexual grooming ― a term I coined for this phenomenon ― is so constant and ubiquitous most people don’t even notice it.”   If not then at worst 
tweak the Don't Say Gay bills to implement the ideas on how to correct it from here 

Don't allow kids in k-4 or k-8 schools (latter of which only if you can find a way to get away with banning it until grade 9) to learn this type of teaching

Do not allow kids like 6 or 7 year olds or even 9 year olds to learn about polysexual or pansexual things (like Angela Reading complained about here and here in school.  

But promote the concept to those young kids that all people are deserving of love and respect, that they should respect differences, show kindness to all, respect and understand there are various family structures. 

So kids should not be forced to learn about and accept concepts of sexuality, at least like that South Jersey school in elementary school

Create a Queer Anarchism caucus within the Republican Party including a Max Stirner Queer Anarchist sub caucus within that Queer Anarchism caucus

Abolish the Heterosexual patriarchy/hetereonormativity 

Abolish the family unit as the norm, replace it with collectivism and Decentralized Free Association 

Then in the ‘post nuclear family societies’  allow families to still be traditional if they voluntarily choose to be that way (do not  stop them from being like that, since Left Libertarianism and Anarchism are the opposite of Authoritarianism)

Embrace my views and ideas on the Queer Theory4pt Queer Theory, Queer Neutrality, Gay Shame movement,  Queer Heterosexuality (including something like this)
Queer neutrality/queer anti-identitarianism (

Using this chapter from Michael Simmons book Neutrality in the Queer theory ,use Afro Pessimism to critique the Queer theory and to touch on the relationship and intersection between Afro Pessimism and the Queer theory in order to improve the Queer theory that the Republican party will now embrace and to better abolish the heterosexual -hetereonormative patriarchies and reign in true equalities 

Using this chapter from that same book,  criticize the Queer theory using Queer of Color critique. Use Michael Simmons's ideas from that book to draw on the parallel to the way race forms a stumbling block for queer neutrality while also showing how Leo Bersani’s and Lee Edelman’s impersonality runs into a representational tokenism within the Queer theory . Do this to better integrate and diversify the Queer theory 

Unban conversion therapy or become a moral democratic party/direct democracy party then you can keep it banned (Libertarian reasons)

Keep the Respect for Marriage act legal and the way it is

Do not embrace or promote LGBTQ pride month, see here for why 

Do not force pro LGBTQ policies on homophobic countries. Neoliberals forcing pro LGBTQ policies on homophobic countries is bad because it will make the LGBTQ movement be associated with western imperialism.

This will be counterproductive and cause anti LGBTQ sentiment due to the LGBTQ movement wrongly being associated with Imperialism. This will basically violate the West’s do no harm principal in ways the West never imagined in the global south. 

Let’s adhere to a strict Do no harm principle so maybe this US LGBTQ imperialism won’t backfire on LGBTQ people and won’t be so blatant

Instead the Republican party should work with our global south allies while accepting they might be homophobic at times. 

We can point out to those homophobes it is wrong to be homophobic in our spaces, but we can’t and should not force them to be better while we do show them that we ( the left) will work with them to fight imperialism and that we accept the LGBTQ community etc  

Prevent Lesbian erasure by creating laws and policies to prevent Lesbian erasure . One way to do this is to build bridges between Lesbians and Transgender people by using girlfags/guydykes as that bridge

Cut funding for drag queen story time.

Use Libertarian methods to stop kids from going to drag queen shows 

At the very least ban kids being exposed to this type of drag show and this type of drag show. Also ban kids from going to strip clubs and from being exposed to BDSM

More than 48 percent of DC LGBTQ+ youth have seriously considered suicide over the past year and percentages across the country aren’t far off. 

We have to help LGBTQ not even consider suicide. To do this, we need to use our spirits, minds and hearts along with an all hands on deck approach to do so. Like maybe donate money to mental health charities and marginalized peoples charities which help poor and, marginalized people and by extension LGBTQ people who have such issues.  

I support protecting the dignity and security of elderly LGBTQ people through spirit filled humanity and love to help bridge the gap for them between Earth and the afterlife, along with easier access for STD care, Mushroom legalization for LGBTQ elderly people and the creation and expansion of LGBTQ retirement communities (like Gavin Newsom would want to create and expand) . 

I also support predistrubition for elderly LGBTQ people. Elderly LGBTQ are a unique asset to our communities 

The points above are vital since unlike other marginalized groups, LGBTQ people can’t turn to family for kinship from oppression .See here for more

Go beyond tolerance on LGBTQ issues in order for the Republican party to officially embrace the LGBTQ community authentically 

Remove anti gay discrimination laws for adoption centers (Libertarian reasons)

Allow any individual persons, whether heterosexual/homosexual/lesbian who are cohabiting/single to be able to adopt children 

Use this as a guide on implementing Transgender rights

Abolish the cissexist, cisgender patriarchy (including by overcoming and abolishing Neoliberalism and Capitalism.)

Create federal funding for this type of sex change therapy and for looking into helping Transgender women get pregnant as mentioned here

Follow Sweden in ending gender affirmation sooner rather than later if pushed rightward ever so slightly after we move far left on Transgender rights

Legalize children between birth and 3 or 4 becoming Transgender

Rapidly shoot for abolishing the state , hierarchies, the cisgender patriarchy, so the Republican Party does not need to, before we abolish the state , hierarchies, the cisgender patriarchy, ban young children between the ages of 4 and 5 and 16 becoming Transgender. 

Make it so that children should get consent from their parents before becoming Transgender.

BUT, also create a law that if children don’t like how their parents are treating them that children should have an unconditional right to end their parents’ guardianship at any age where they are physically capable of running away. 

Make sure that this right also include the right for the child to strike out on their own with them being allowed to become Transgender after striking out on their own (even without their parents permission to become transgender but not before they strike out on their own) 

Neither parents nor the State should have any right to force runaway children to return to the guardianship of any adult against the child’s will

Become gender rebels abolish gender this way and this way. Also consider Postgenderism possibly after this

Encourage Transgender women to help feminists not settle for equity and parity in our existing male patriarchal/patriarchal system . 

To do this have Transgender women use these two methods to make this happen:

Method A) be more visible, out and mainstream than they are now which would help sexist men look more positively toward women (cis and trans) by seeing women (cis and trans) through the prism of Transgenderism

Method B) Moreover, Transgender women would also have to use Gender voluntaryism to show sexist men that sex/gender is a social construct and arbitrary ,and or gender acceleration which with so many genders being created it will make the logic of gender broken blurring the lines between sexes and genders

Both Method A and Method B would give sexist men a huge sense false sense of security and really cause men to be less sexist . This will help sexist men realize that women are adults who identity as the social construct that is associated with the female sex. 

This will allow a brief window to implement xenofeminism and triangulation form of postgenderism to put a dent in the patriarchy/male patriarchy,  allowing us feminists to then dismantle the patriarchy/male patriarchy completely using tech to abolish gender, dislodging gender from ‘power’ and allows feminists to use the master’s tools to rebuild life. This also has an-anti naturalist element to it. All of this would then lead to this type of gender abolishment utopia

It’s a vital and edifying way that transgender women can integrate themselves better into the feminist movement in the eyes of all TERFs for in their minds hindering my feminist goals. 

Also embrace this type of thinking :

"Who we are, the very core of our being, might perhaps not be found in the categorical realm of being at all. The self is a convergence of power and discourses. 

Every word you use to define yourself, every category of identity within which you find yourself place, is the result of a historical development of power. Gender, race, sexuality, and every other normative category is not referencing a truth about the body of the subject or about the soul of the subject. These categories construct the subject and the self. 

There is no static self, no consistent “I”, no history transcending subject. We can only refer to a self with the language given to us, and that language has radically fluctuated throughout history, and continues to fluctuate in our day to day life.

We are nothing but the convergence of many different discourses and languages which are utterly beyond our control, yet we experience the sensation of agency. We navigate these discourses, occasionally subverting, always surviving. The ability to navigate does not indicate a metaphysical self which acts upon a sense of agency, it only indicates that there is symbolic and discursive looseness surrounding our constitution.

We thus understand gender through these terms. We see gender as a specific set of discourses embodied in medicine, psychiatry, the social sciences, religion, and our daily interactions with others. 

We do not see gender as a feature of our “true selves,” but as a whole order of meaning and intelligibility which we find ourselves operating in. We do not look at gender as a thing which a stable self can be said to possess. On the contrary we say that gender is done and participated in, and that this doing is a creative act by which the self is constructed and given social significance and meaning."

Embrace Xenofeminism Xenofeminism uses tech to abolish gender, dislodging gender from ‘power’ and allows feminists to use the master’s tools to rebuild life. This also has an-anti naturalist element to it

From the Xenofeminist handbook:

"XF is vehemently anti-naturalist. Essentialist naturalism reeks of theology–the sooner it is exorcised, the better.".  "We want neither clean hands nor beautiful souls, neither virtue nor terror. We want superior forms of corruption.".  "Let a hundred sexes bloom!".     "Our lot is cast with technoscience, where nothing is so sacred that it cannot be reengineered and transformed so as to widen our aperture of freedom, extending to gender and the human." "Hormones hack into gender systems"


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