Republican party platform 1 crime

Republican party platform 1 crime

Possibly embrace and implement Common good Constitutionalism

Take the anti blue pill and see the police for what they really are as mentioned here

But abolish Capitalism the state and the police at once thus the police state will fall and down will come freedom cradle and all

Until we abolish the police: 

We should challenge all violence including violence by police . 

But we should realize their violence and corruption are not simply a reflection of poor oversight or the presence in police agencies of “a few bad apples” 

We should realize that it is instead a reflection of the structural positions of such agencies as guarantors of state power and of the lack of accountability created both by the existence of substantial de facto differences in standards for the use of force by police officers and others and by the monopolistic status of police agencies. We should thus implement police reform with this in mind and as an outline

I believe we need to prevent white supremacist/racist infiltration in the law enforcement agencies but do so in a way that does not label our law enforcement agencies as white supremist or racist. Most lawyers and judges are whites so it is easy to make a logic jump to assume that is why our prisons have mostly BIPOC inmates

Do NOT defund the police (abolishing them will be better)

I believe police departments should hire BLM activists, anti police brutality activists and buddhist monks as police officers since they are the last people to use police brutality on suspects. With police departments defunded, violence and injury to civilians increase leading to taxation by citation which is very counterproductive.

We need to build more positive relations with therapists, social workers, Religious leaders/Chaplains and similar agencies in our communities to help tag along with police and maybe be guest police at times for specific non violent crimes freeing police officers to focus on areas of our communities where they are needed.

We also need to get police to deescalate instead of escalate dangerous encounters with perps.

Consider having police departments be run by the county (like in Camden County NJ) and for those county run police departments to implement deescalation training, using Krav Maga control and restraint techniques instead of chokeholds, ask police officers to step in for other police officers if they used too much force, have police officers patrol on foot more, have police officers introduce themselves to the residents and even host BBQs for their community which may lead to violent crime drops. 

Also have the police be trained/retrained every year or few years by some of the best police in the US and comply with UN international law

Until we abolish the police implement these changes to policing: Change Police Culture to Protect Civilians and Police, Restructure Regulations for Fraternal Order of Police Contracts (ie police union busting), Distributed sensing and virtual patrols, Artificial data and predictive policing, Address Officer Wellness, Evidence based policing

Another idea until we abolish the police is to create more changes like extremely more neighborhood watch groups, having Celebration Florida like citizen security patrol units (who do what those Celebration Florida like citizen security patrol units do when they encounter crime) ,more citizens arrests  (but all those citizens would be heavily encouraged to and possibly incentivized to have training for those roles that fused the same training that MSP PD has now with Peace Core training and Martial Arts training, the latter of which preaches not resorting to violence and only using karate in self defense and things like that). 

Moreover, maybe getting our party to have IAB become more common and to have more influence, oversight and control of Police Departments also would something that would be done here.

Create programs to train police throughout the US to be like Andy from the Andy Griffin Show (ie that all police in the US should aim to be friendly, compassionate lawmen/lawwomen who want people to respect them for their integrity and commitment to justice, rather than fear them for their gun (which they should rarely carry) 

I believe we need to reduce the police by not giving them a reason to be so bloated through better healthcare, education system and better housing instead of directly (since those things would mean low crime and low crime would lead to a reduction in police).  Support programs to thus lower crime without the police via socioeconomic ideas

I also feel outsourcing select issues away from the police to non police specialists should be something to consider at some point in the future when its viable and also something I would be very open to supporting (ie drug councilors stepping in for the police on drug related crimes, rape councilors stepping in for the police on rape reports where the perp isn't on scene, and domestic violence councilors stepping in for police on domestic violence cases etc)

Some ideas in this post on police reform once we reach our left wing socioeconomic society if that happens before abolishing the police 

Consider embracing this idea on crime prevention but only after it is filtered through the CRT anti racist board and the ACLU’s most pro police members and then making it legal

Support Breonna’s Law

Support the Stingray Law Enforcement Prohibition . Which means for our party to support prohibiting the use of a cell site simulator device without a warrant ; Also support amending RCW 9.73.260 and adding a new section to chapter 9.73 RCW

Remove shaving the beard of an Amish person from being a hate crime

Be more aggressive in combating the myth that whites are the reason African Americans attack Asians (whites and blacks commit the same amount of crime against Asians)

Keep hate crime laws for crimes against all vulnerable people at least for now, but at the same time consider replacing hate crime laws with Libertarian Paternalism to nudge/influence DAs to give hate crime like sentences for criminals who commit hate crime against protected groups . This replacement would also include new policies which allow prison guards to get athletic marginalized inmates who are boxers, MMA fighters , Martial artists, weight lifters etc to kick the sh*t out of people in prison who committed bias crimes against marginalized people without repercussion and with immunity 

Abolish the death penalty nation wide. Until we get to our left wing socity, we would give murderers a choice:

choice 1) Transfer murderers to fight on the front lines in the military in wars or conflicts and if they survive, sentence them just like murderers in Nordic countries are sentenced for murders

choice 2) Have murderers be waterboarded a few times a year for at least five years 

At worst prevent the lowering of the requirements of a death sentence from a unanimous decision to a supermajority decision. 

Embrace the crime justice reform policies of Justice Action (Australia) and use them as a guide for crime justice reform

Instead of getting a couple of million dollars for an amount of safe injection sites, needle exchange programs, prescription maintenance dosing of opiates, etc , create programs and funding to obtain the billions (or maybe trillions) of dollars to abolish the root causes of addiction. We also have in the past spent billions of dollars in trying to restrict the opiate supply and imprison drug users, and it hasn't made much progress in reducing the addiction rates.

The surest way for our party to lower crime is to decriminalize victimless "crimes" and to empower people to do more meaningful things with their lives instead of committing crimes. Give them income sources that are more safe and that work better than property crimes and petty level fraud. Reduce inequality, the sources of stress and anxiety, and underlying causes of desperation/nihilism to cause violent crime to be reduced. Create egalitarian social structures so that aspiring sociopaths can never ever gain too much power.


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