Democrat party platform 1 laws crime

 Democrat party platform 1 laws crime

Change the US constitution to match Chile's new constitution proposal below:

This is if the Democrat Party cannot make good on their economic promises and they need to reach for anything to be seen as revolutionary changes. 

Add the idpol suggestions in Chile’s new constitution to the US constitution which can be sold as easy examples to the public.. Whether that is ‘important to ‘driving toward socialism’ is ambiguous but try it as a method to drive us in that direction toward socialism

Make the “justice with a gender approach.” from Chile's new constitution be added to the US constitution too

Make the “Guaranteeing the right to physical autonomy, free expression, freedom of association, free press, decentralising media monopolies, etc of Chile's new constitution be added to the US constitution too 

Make the “Guaranteeing the right to housing, medical care, labor unionization” of Chile's new constitution be added to the US constitution too

Both of these things currently exist in their law (not sure about in our law). But at least in Chile they could wait over a year for a filling, two or more years for a lot of surgeries, etc., because of the old fashioned and heavily underfunded national healthcare system.

Also, at least in Chile actual unionization is hampered by all types of stuff that the proposed new constitution in Chile doesn't touch on (not sure if the US constitution would touch on that). For example, only workers who have a written contract for fixed employment can unionize. 

That is only about 20 percent of Chile. All other Chile residents --the other 80 percent or so that don’t have a contract, who must issue monthly invoices to their employer to get paid, and who can be let go at any time, are legally banned from unionizing.

In Central and South America you quickly discover that there's a huge gulf between law/constitution and bitter on-the-ground reality, and that is designed to be like that.

Make the “Massive systemic changes in medicine and education that will take years to accomplish, essentially nationalizing and centralizing most medicine and making public universities free: ambitious” in Chile's new constitution filtered through my similar views in my blogs and then added to the US constitution too

Make the “Essentially getting rid of the upper house & making some other sweeping changes (allowing executive snap elections for example)” from Chile's new constitution be added to the constitution too. Though keep in mind, upper houses normally act as a break on hot-headed laws. 

In at least Chile's case however, they need an upper house as much as the other 200 plus countries that have an upper house. The woke millennials in Chile running the show now realize that by removing the brake as a feature, they will be governing Chile for the next three and a half years. They don't seem to realize that they wom’t always be governing

Make the “Making the highest court have 11 justices instead of 10” from Chile's new constitution be added to the US constitution too

Make the “Nationalizing water resources” from Chile's new constitution be added to the US constitution too

Make the “Creating a 3% threshold for popular referendums” from Chile's new constitution be added to the US constitution too

Make the “Gender parity: including a mandated 50%+ of women in a lot of parts of the government and bureaucracy,” from Chile's new constitution be added to the US constitution too

I want us to abolish patriarchy/male patriarchy and I prefer not to use parity in our existing patriarchy/male patriarchy since that is only a bandaid and is an insult to women. 

Parity seems just as empty as the complaints that are made about the lack of diversity of corporate boards. What I mean is, who cares what the gender composition is of a bourgeois court is, we need to abolish neoliberalism for true equality and freedom for all 

However Chile’s new constitutional Gender parity I wanted the Democrats to add to our US constitution is good 

But I want this constitutional Gender parity that I want added to the US constitution to be better handled through short-term measures than enshrining in the US constitution, especially since it technically forced non-parity (albeit by a small margin) since it affects groups with odd number of people.

Make the “Nation-within-a-nation stuff” from Chile's new constitution added to the US constitution too

However, in the case of Chile at least, each of the 10ish  indigenous ethnicities in Chile will now have their own parallel justice systems which will at minimum oversee sentencing . This goes against the principle that everyone is equal before the law.

In addition, an insane decentralization that allows each region of the country to issue bonds, go into debt with banks, etc. This in Chile, a country where literally half of their mayors are under investigation for corruption. What could possibly wrong?

I want Nationalization of every mineral resource and the mining sector, aggressive import/export controls, providing apparatuses to truly deliver guaranteed housing added to the US constitution 

I think nationalizing is somewhat dubious since nationalizing something constitutional wise or otherwise will not be a clear or direct ‘drive towards socialism’, since that is perfectly compatible with the opposite (even Augusto Pinochet)

However, mass movement and control over institutions would ‘drive towards socialism’

Do not do what Chile’s synth-left government did in sending police to break strike and arresting refinery workers

"Law enforcement spends a fifth of its time responding to people with mental illnesses. Many of those cases are not something the police should be involved in at all. Name budget priorities and support public health programs that truly make our communities safer." Justice Democrats

 (Up to 50% of people that are murdered by police are disabled

"Move toward a system based in redemption, not punishment. We must reallocate resources and invest in education, housing, healthcare, jobs, and other programs that address the root of crime. " Justice Democrats

"We must also end *qualified immunity, create stronger civilian review boards, demilitarize the police, and support violence interruption programs that have a track record of helping our communities." Justice Democrats

*Or at worst pragmatically Radically Centrist idea on ending qualified immunity that meshes with moralism

Maybe consider the Democrats getting behind no cash bail only if we distinguish between violent offenders and nonviolent offenders. As it is 15% of criminals charged in shootings are out on pretrial release. We need to make our cities safer and and what this means is to do so we need to get repeat offenders off of the streets.

Like the Democrats can embrace the notion of pre-trial accused suspects being able to be released on crime severity only. Rich or not, if a suspect is a menace to society or is a violent offender they shouldn’t be out pre-trial… period.

Abolish the police until then:

Have the police in the US be trained like and exactly like the Japanese's National Police Agency in all ways since they are one of the best police in the world. 

Seriously consider privatizing the police as mentioned here and here 

Improve due diligence within police across the US

Look into turning millions of Americans into real life superheroes like Superman, Spiderman, Batman etc in order to fight crime and catch criminals (just like they do in the comic books). Allow them to use tech that gives them realistic versions of those superheroes' super powers. 

Abolish the death penalty nationwide in a way that Mark Hatfield would approve of 


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