Democrat party platform 1 Feminism

 Democrat party platform 1 Feminism

Be like Materialist feminists such as Shulamith Firestone and Christine Delphi and as a party understand that patriarchy is binded to family structure, reproduction, and social institutions including marriage, and that these are concrete measures you Democrats can take toward changing these forms. 

Measures that don’t require policing of language, or generic denunciations, but that instead require a broad movement with a social totality vision , with liberation for all

Destroy the patriarchy/male patriarchy

Have the Democrat party pretty much encourage semi mandatory Sixth Wave Feminism and Seventh Wave Feminism courses being at taught at colleges to offset those bigoted White Karen courses being taught at colleges and to help get our country ready one day to embrace left wing Feminism 

I would like for the Democrat party to get colleges across the US to have feminist camps on combating misogyny patriarchy to better help students defeat misogyny and patriarchy

Have the Democrat party support Woman's Power and women’s liberation even more than they do now

The way to create real women's liberation is for the Democrat party to overall build up women's self consciousness, power and opportunities to effectuate self-consciousness

Promote gender representation and equality between sexes (i.e Gender theory)

Embrace Argentina type Feminism (including Female Peronist party type of Gender theory based on Eva Peron type of feminism and free thinker woman's movements and create spaces for those type of feminist groups

Even if Gender theory is not a unified movement for the Democrat Party, it should be included in the Democrat party circles including in newly implemented Democrat party anarchist and socialist circles, and to allow women's issues to be incorporated more into their revolutionary programs 

Gender theory is a framework of ideology and beliefs around gender and gender relations.

Have the Democrat Party analyze how, ethnicity, location, social class, nationality, and disability intersect with the categories of gender and sexuality. 

Have the Democrat party use the ideas from this post as a guide in improving feminism and anti patriarchy activism

Embrace Kim Possible type of Girl Power and create a Kim Possible type of Girl Power caucus within the Democrat party 

Kim Possible type of Girl power is a fun form of liberal feminism that the Democrat party should embrace and is a perfect counter to MRAs and the patriarchy . Fight like a Girl? Kim Possible!

Men like men in the Democrat party supporting Kim Possible type of Girl power is a leftish chivalrous type of thing to do 

Let woman ask herself, "Why am I the slave of Man? Why is my brain said not to be the equal of his brain? Why is my work not paid equally with his? Why must my body be controlled by my husband? Why may he take my labor in the household, giving me in exchange what he deems fit? Why may he take my children from me? Will them away while yet unborn?" Let every woman ask

Deepen the mainstreaming of feminism in the structure of our organizations , and especially our political organizations like the Democrat party organizations and Democrat party affiliated organizations. This would mesh with this goal by Sheryl Sandberg I agree with “We need women at all levels, including the top, to change the dynamic, reshape the conversation, to make sure women's voices are heard and heeded, not overlooked and ignored”

Have the Democrat party embrace and implement this type of Marxist-Leninist feminism and this postfeminism along with an authentic sex negative feminism

Also have the Democrat party use feminist strategies by yuppie feminist Marcy from Married with Children (in her early seasons) to destroy the patriarchy/male patriarchy and increase woman's rights

Support, show great respect for and venetrate the diversity of families, motherhood, the right to conciliation also from feminism or the need to point out how all of the essential care and social reproduction work fell invisibly on the shoulders of women. Feminism defending BIPOC and Transgender people is unavoidable and we need feminism to take an unequivocal path towards the power dispute (which postcolonial feminism as mentioned in this Democrat platform 1 will help assist with)

Have the Democrat party reject Interdifferentialism and Universalist feminism.

Interdifferentialism is misguided and wrong. Interdifferentialism is part of the Male patriarchal system of sexism where men fully neutralize even the remotest of sexual differences which is just as prejudicial against women as traditional sexism

It is wrong because it means that women who are proud of and want to keep their femininity (or at least a little of that) are coerced or forced by men to shed their femininity so they can be more accepted into the arena of public life. Women should be fully accepted as they are in the arena of public life with and without their femininity and everywhere in between otherwise it is sexism. 

Universalist feminism falls into a trap by saying sex/gender is a social construct since that is playing into masculine values without allowing that there might be small differences between genders at least in some areas

Have the Democrat party support a type of feminism where even the remotest of sexual/gender difference plays a public domain role and upholds feminine rights. I support feminine rights (abortion, maternity etc) 

Instead of the Democrat party supporting unisex utopianism have the Democrat party support postgenderism since postgenderism does what unisex utopianism tries to do but does it much better

This is stuff good because it recognizes both sexes by acknowledging the equal value of their distinct and unique traits no matter how small they are, regardless if they are a social construct or not. I touch on a similar and related point here

Have the Democrat party endorse a type of feminism that overthrows the male/female order of things in the US and create an alternative future with a greater presence of a feminist agenda and inevitably with a greater presence of women in all areas of our society (once we overthrow the the male/female order of things)

Self hating women (i.e female allies of incels and MGTOWers) are wrong for being self hating and sexist toward other women . The Democrats should first get them to try to cure themselves of their self hating and sexism toward women then the Democrats should encourage those female former allies of incels who are now healed of their misogyny and sexist toward other women to use that cure to try to cure incels and MGTOWers of their hatred and sexism toward women (and as a last resort use this article to cure those incels and MGTOWers of their hatred and sexism toward women)

One way for the Democrat party to get self hating women (i.e female allies of incels and MGTOWers) to stop being self hating and stop allying with incels and MGTOWers would be for them to be redirected into becoming unapologetic and base feminists.

As unapologetic and base feminists those former self hating women should then fluidly use militant direct action against men to really speed up destroying patriarchy 

As an unapologetic and base feminist, they should divide the issues into how it affects men and women by ignoring how it adversely affects men.

Another way for the Democrat party to get self hating women  (i.e female allies of incels and MGTOWers) to stop being self hating and stop allying with incels and MGTOWers would be for them to be redirected into becoming witchesvspatriarchy types of feminists.

As witchesvspatriarchy feminists they can trash men saying stuff like "Men: if you don’t like your gender being generalized as trash, it’s up to you to make it better-"  and having these type of conflicting views as pointed out here

As witchesvspatriarchy feminists those female former allies of incels can embrace this type of thought (with a little help from the Democrats): 

Witchesvspatriarchy (from reddit): is a women-centric, we welcome all beings interested in using their esoteric powers to destroy the Patriarchy and all its constraints on women, men, and everybody in between and beyond.

Taking a more historic approach to the concept of witches, this sub is meant to channel the spirit of the women who were persecuted in witch trials worldwide as part of a thinly veiled systemic oppression of female power.

Witchy Memes are highly encouraged, as well as pop culture references, life advice, and general discussions from a mystical and/or spiritual perspective. Open minds and a sense of humor are required.

If a gender is to be assumed, that gender must be female. If you would not like to be assumed female, please use a different gender-specific or androgynous "☉" flair.

This subreddit is a Safe Space for Women, BIPOC, and anyone in the LGTBQ+ community. We are Sisters, not Cisters. If you do not consider yourself an ally, then this subreddit is not for you.

WitchesVsPatriarchy is curated to maintain a warm, hopeful, healing, supportive, and uplifting environment."

Or Democrats can Or maybe we can get self hating women (i.e female allies of incels and MGTOWers) to not only stop being self hating and to become leftist feminists but also to get them to internalize Valerie Solanas like Anarcha Feminism by reading 2 Samuel 18: 6-33 from the OT:

This story starts off with Deborah the prophetess leading Israel’s armies against the Canaanites, which might inspire some younger readers to think God might call women to lead. Bad turns to worse when the Israelite army routes the Canaanites and their general Sisera takes refuge in the tent of a woman named Jael, who pounds a tent peg through his skull. The idea of a young mind internalizing such woman-on-male violence is....


Use as a guide the viewpoint that the government should rarely impose its pro life will upon the people in banning or restricting early term abortion, and when doing so, should aspire to maximize their cumulative happiness 

Take a forward stance on even the most divisive and contentious issues such as abortion 

Advocate for Ranked choice voting and many people who have different views on abortion than ya'll will unite with us for this particular goal.  

Never allow abortion in cases where the fetus is proven 100 percent to be conscious, otherwise move left on abortion for fetuses that are not conscious. Heavily fund research to prove 100 percent when the fetus becomes conscious to create more humane abortion laws

Also use pro personal autonomy thought as a guide in implementing abortion policies

 "Implement Medicare for All which can make abortion access easier"  Justice Democrats

Use the idea from this paper to implement a superior legal strategy that would guarantee women the right to have an abortion, however it says that it remains controversial since it would treat men like equals:

This is the sort of policy we Democrats need to codify into law before roe v wade was overturned however the feminists who have the institutional control of the pro-choice movement concluded that they didn't want men to have equal rights thus it was never advanced beyond the level of a legal theory

Look into the viability of implenting a Democrat Libertarian/Forward Party version of Departurism and this third position strategy to solve the abortion issue 

Make abortion become privatized in the future. 

Create a full and unlimited reimbursement of abortion in the US for women because women are responsible beings and must be treated as such

Do what Kamala Harris suggested here to ideally prevent anti abortion abuse by the states. Also use this as an outline to increase abortion rights and to recover after the dobbs case

Create better healthcare, like good public healthcare, better and more universal SSI, free education and similar things to help children who are already born (sort of what like George Carlin said here)

Allow and make GONGOs to use Libertarian paternalism methods to nudge/influence charities, NGOs, pro choice groups etc to pay for abortions for women who want an abortion but cannot afford an abortion as an alternative to the the Hyde Amendment without companies or the government getting involved   

Poor women (the majority of those having abortions) often have trouble raising the funds for abortion, which Medicaid will not pay for in the majority of states so some funding for them not without repealing the Hyde Amendment would be a good compromise and basically like this strategy mentioned here and maybe something like this. And or maybe public subsidies for abortion (basically community funding). 

Also take into account on federal funding for abortion issues Libertarian Distributist perspectives and compromises like here 

I also want at risk for having sex children aged 11 and up to get sex education before they graduate grade school and then continue sex education into their teens so that children and teens know how not to get pregnant, if they use common sense, and have more access anticonceptives which should be made available to them with some common sense restrictions

Emulate Canada on abortion by having no criminal laws governing the subject and abortion like Canada has done from 1989 onwards and make sure that the decision is made by a woman with her doctor. So make sure there are no legal delays (to get the abortion over with) . Keeps abortion from being politicized and away from the courts and bureaucracy

If abortion is done make most abortions like in Canada in that they are done at a very early stage instead of later stages. 

Consider creating easy/easier access to Misoprostol for women for up to the first 12 weeks of pregnancy for blue and red states alike as a last resort if our country continues to become more and more pro life

Legalize parental notification laws for minors


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