Democrat party platform 1 ethnicity-race

Democrat party platform 1 ethnicity-race

Use this letter as a guide in the ethnic-race political realm

Become racially and ethnically color blind to the point where you don't see race or ethnicity. But do acknowledge that racial and ethnical colorblindness is neoliberal indoctrination for Dennis Prager cultists and Constitutional patriotist bigoted, regressive right wingers, so be racially and ethnically colorblind in a non neoliberal way.  

Criticize the neoliberal type of racial and ethnical colorblindness 

At the same time, also recognize and affirm at least some differences between races/ethnicities 

This is good because by you recognizing and affirming at least some differences it means you are being inclusive and are accepting others as they are despite their differences no matter how small those differences are (in the here and now), instead of ignoring those differences or downplaying them

Now related to the above points on colorblindness and racial-ethnic affirmation according to Black Nihilism and author Calvin L Warren (from here):

"In Ontological Terror Calvin L. Warren intervenes in Afro-pessimism, Heideggerian metaphysics, and black humanist philosophy by positing that the “Negro question” is intimately imbricated with questions of Being. Warren uses the figure of the antebellum free black as a philosophical paradigm for thinking through the tensions between blackness and Being. He illustrates how blacks embody a metaphysical nothing. This nothingness serves as a destabilizing presence and force as well as that which whiteness defines itself against."


"Thus, the function of blackness as giving form to nothing presents a terrifying problem for whites: they need blacks to affirm their existence, even as they despise the nothingness they represent.  By pointing out how all humanism is based on investing blackness with nonbeing—a logic which reproduces antiblack violence and precludes any realization of equality, justice, and recognition for blacks—Warren urges the removal of the human from its metaphysical pedestal and the exploration of ways of existing that are not predicated on a grounding in being."  So take that into consideration too

Realize that racial freedom for poc/bipoc demands vigilance: 

Become an affiliate of A.N.S.W.E.R. If not then find a way to embrace a passive positive version of their anti racist policies . Also use their model to fight for Palestinian rights and to use empathy to help migrant or illegals more than ya'll do now

Avoid the collective moralistic, Neoliberalism antiracism. Keep thisthis, this and this in mind about antiracism (if you do go the antiracism route, aim for the traditional antiracism instead of modern antiracism. See here for more along with here for more to guide you on these matters further) #jobsnotracism

Furthermore keep this and this in mind about white supremacy 

Use Malcolm X , Booker T Washington, Benjamin Hooks, Web Dubois, MLK Jr as a role models (poc role models) for your party 

You whites should prioritize blacks over our own race (as long as its in a non woke way otherwise no). We need to get rid of classes, hierarchies , since t hen there will be no excuse to prioritize anymore . 

We need to support treating each person regardless of identity strictly on their merits as a person, giving them no more and no less than they show himself/herself worthy to have. This is much better than indifference. 

Continue to work with and support the NAACP and continue to work with them to help advance the rights of POC using the methods they have used over the years (in general). Use bipoc caucuses within the Democrat party to get the NAACP to continue to create and advance the change they seek (instead of relying on white petty bourgeois bureaucrats to ‘evolve’ on racial justice and POC rights)

Democrats, please promote and use ideas NAACP bulletins  to create a better world for everyone.

Destroy and abolish the white ethnocentracy as mentioned here

Instead of using Afro Pessimism, use Black Nihilism to promote interpersonal coalitions to form between black people.  So embrace some aspects of black nihilism. Like through Afro Pessimism, use Black Nihilism to advocate for strategic black withdrawal from at least some political entities

Embrace some of the left wing/liberal ideas over the last decade from the Black Hammer Party. Maybe go further and reprogram Black Hammer (in a way that SarcasmStardust would be okay with) with the help of the BDS, Rashida Tlaib, Betty McCollum, Joe Biden, William J Burns, Justice Democrats to become more mainstream and less out there and then make Black Hammer be to the Democrats what BLM is to ya'll now

Create a Congress of Racial Equality caucus within the Democrat party 

Support the right of self determination for these groups of the US: African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanics-Latinos, Hawaiians, Asians, Arabs and Pacific Islanders

Get BLM to use the uplifting critiques in this post and this post to improve their organization and activism 

One creative idea for the Democrat party is for the Democrats to make the Right wing racists become non racist against BIPOC+ and to do this the Democrats would need to program the right wing racists to become woke , CRT type of antiracist and to embrace the CRT. 

This way those right wing racists can shift their hate target from BIPOC to racist WHITES. 

Even if they end up believing and saying things like "BIPOC are equal to Whites but BIPOC+ are more equal than Whites", I would be fine with that,  because I feel it is better for Right wing racists to be like that than to be like those Right wing racists are now

This way those Right wing racists can channel their racism toward an acceptable target (right wing racists) while holding on to their other Right wing/Conservative views. 

AOC wanted to deprogram white supremacists as she mentioned here but find a way to do that without using state funding or the state to do it

Because to "de-program" white supremacists using state funding and the state is wrong 

Deprogramming is good because it helps white supremacists to leave their white supremacy cults by gradually making them question what they've held true (instead of something more sinister), so it doesn't scare me so much in the end, as long as it is not done via state funding/the state  

Since whites run the education system, it is harder to get a diversified view and lense of American history. So the Democrats should quickly abolish hierarchies, classes and the white patriarchy (i.e white ethnocracy) to help diversify the education system which naturally will lead to a more diversified teaching and lense of American history in schools . They can take steps within our current system to do this too 

Keep in mind and act accordingly with the fact that the CRT is not rationally inquiring and it goes for narrative, uses stories mostly fictional anecdotal etc which goes against reasoned argumentation and may reinforce stereotypes about BIPOC. 

Democrats please be very wary of the CRT and maybe consider not pushing for it. This is partly because the CRT is wrongly used by some of your fellow Democrats now as a method to monitor colonized nations and to guide them toward assimilation and to become organized into a colonial army instead of liberation. You should push for policies that bring liberation instead of colonialism 

Have the Democrat party create policies that make African Americans or BIPOC as a whole become the dominant minority(s) in the US. 

At minimum either have the Democrats use the state to force the US to become (and remain) a new multiracial polyglot majority/multiracial majority (and sooner rather than later) OR embrace this inclusive outside the box idea (and this related idea) to reign in true equality and equity and to shift to a post racist world. 

"Third Reconstruction
We have never completed the project of Reconstruction. The First Reconstruction was stymied by violent terrorism in the 19th century. The Second Reconstruction was stopped by the white backlash to the civil rights movement. America must reconcile with our past by creating a national Truth and Reconciliation Commission to lead our nation through a process that investigates the generational harms caused by slavery and Jim Crow and propose necessary reparations." Justice Democrats   Some models to use to possibly implement this would be this model, this model , these ideas and these ideas

You Democrats should morally feel this way because with repartitions ya'll giving African Americans repartitions is like the US government as a whole symbolically going back in time and undoing the injustices African Americans were subjected to under the dehumanizing bondage of 17th century through 19th century Capitalism and Capitalism's bourgeois ruling class proto Fascism/Fascism. 

Supporting paying African Americans reparations for 120 years of colonialist aggression and trauma is more than a legit political view to have

This gives African Americans in the US a fresh and equal reboot (due to that symbolic gesture of repartitions). They should have had a fresh and equal start from the get go in the US like whites did from the get go in the US

Capitalism has always wrongfully treated humans as property in order for the bourgeois ruling class fascists to make a profit at the expense of their workers. 

Above we see that extreme laissez faire early form Capitalism and its senseless indefensible actions mentioned which has since transformed into newer, more subtle but still totally condemnable forms of dehumanizing bondage and treating humans as property which still permeates through our society today and has led to Recessions, Depressions, wars and similar social ills.

Capitalism and the bourgeois (and all classism and fascism) needs to be abolished (or if a better system can't be found heavily reformed via Social Democracy) for all people in all countries to be truly free and live in a truly equal world.  

Capitalism is generally a bad system because it is easy to abuse and it is anti worker (as mentioned above).  Marxist scholarship has ‘raced’ the history of capitalism and developed a nuanced analysis of the relationship between New World Slavery and capitalist accumulation on a global scale

Robin Blackburn and other radical of slavery draw on Cedric Robinson’s concept of ‘racial capitalism’, which can be used to balance or provide nuance and context to the Afro Pessimism claim that slaveness and Africanness are one and the same. 

In Black Marxism, Cedric Robinson writes that racism was already present in Western civilization prior to the flourishing of Capitalism. So, capitalism and racism grew together from the old order to produce the ‘racial capitalism’ characteristic of the modern world. This new world system relied on slavery, violence, imperialism and genocide for its continued expansion. 

The value of Cedric Robinson’s work lies in Robinson’s ability to uncover the contingent relationship between slavery and Blackness: he argues that early European proletarians were racialised subjects from oppressed groups, such as the Jews, Irish, Roma or Slavs, who were all victims of dispossession, colonialism and slavery within Europe. 

With the dawn of the transatlantic slave trade, new notions of difference came about, based on more aggressively racialised conceptions, that were used to justify the political economy of slavery. For Robinson, white supremacy masked itself as an economic rationale, which lead to organized racial hierarchies, with the production of cotton at its core. 

The colonial and racial genealogy of European capitalism’ were according to some historians ‘encoded directly into the economic “base” through an ongoing history of racial violence which […] binds surplus populations to capitalist markets. “

So Black populations were and are racialised and displaced in no small part due to the political economy (and particularly of imperialism) along with ontological anti blackness. Robin Blackburn said that New World slavery was a central product of the rise of Capitalism. See this for a related concept

Capitalist imperialism out of Europe is built upon an inherently racially (white) supremacist foundation. I believe that it could have burst out of Africa as well, but with the foundation of black supremacy instead.

Europeans are not inherently more evil than other people, and had capitalist imperialism started elsewhere, it would've been just as brutal

Though I believe Colonial period Capitalism was more like National Capitalism than mid to late 20th century Capitalism 


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